Cybersecurity Certification for Research (CCR) Program

Cybersecurity Certification for Research (CCR) Program

Protecting Research Data: Cybersecurity Certification for Research (CCR)

In a proactive approach to address the increase in threats to research activities, UC San Diego's Office of Information Assurance (OIA) has established the Cybersecurity Certification for Research (CCR) program. Principal Investigators take a few steps to identify research activities, equipment, and current practices, while taking measures to safeguard against data compromises or loss.

As universities continue to see increasing numbers of malicious attacks targeting valuable research data, it is more important than ever that researchers understand the risks to their data and employ protective measures to safeguard against cybersecurity threats. Research IT is a program partner, working directly with researchers to guide them through the process and to advise on best practices.

To learn more about this program, visit the CCR portal.

For help with your self-certification including consultation and assistance in completing the Kuali CCR form, Data Collection Workbook, or security application installations:

Thursdays 1-2pm

Updated Zoom link: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/96290721158?pwd=M3FZUFlBWi8wWXZZUko3L1RzSnBkQT09

Resources available here:

Other links:

assure.ucsd.edu - official CCR website

secure.assure.ucsd.edu - internal site with installers and other information

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