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JIRA Training by Topic
How do I access or log into the ITS JIRA
How do I add a profile picture to ITS JIRA
How do I add users to your JIRA project
How do I configure or utilize my timetracking view effectively
How do I connect and sync my outlook calendar and JIRA so that I can have my time auto-logged for me
How do I create a scrum board in ITS JIRA
How do I create an epic (object in ITS ontology) in ITS JIRA
How do I create and use Components
How do I create and use versions and releases in ITS JIRA
How do I create filters in ITS JIRA
How do I create, edit, transition, or comment on tasks and activities (issues) in ITS JIRA
How do I find or search for my project in ITS JIRA
How do I find or search for tasks, epics, or activities in ITS JIRA
How do I log time in ITS JIRA
How do I move or convert an issue to another project in ITS JIRA
How do I navigate tempo as a service owner or supervisor
How do I see timetracking reports for my projects
How do I see timetracking reports for my team
How do I use JIRA smart search to quickly find issues
How to import issues from CSV into JIRA
How to navigate ITS JIRA
What is JIRA and ITSPRO
What is JIRAs basic terminology
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JIRA Training by Topic
Former user (Deleted)
John Lane
Owned by
Former user (Deleted)
Last updated:
Nov 06, 2024
John Lane
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