Benefits of Time Tracking

Benefits of Time Tracking

Why Are We Tracking Our Time?

On an Organizational level, there are many key benefits to providing top-notch service to our customers, which include:

•        Bringing further visibility and transparency to the work that we do, both internally and  with our customers:

•        Better reporting on project timelines, benefiting our department and our customers

•        Deeper understanding of what our colleagues are working on

•        Providing opportunity for collaboration between teams, aiding in:

•        Innovation and Progression 

•        Efficiency and Effectiveness

•        Cross-pollination of Projects

•        Providing opportunity to maximize awareness and adoption of services and  enhancements:

•        Bolstering a customer needs-driven workplace environment, both internally and externally

•        Cross-marketing of our services is possible when we know more about them

•        Consistency, collaboration, and continual improvement… our customers appreciate all of the above!

•        Translating our work into meaningful data to identify …

•        Areas we are on-target or ahead of the game with respect to project timelines, deliverables, and anticipating customer needs

•        Areas we need to focus additional resources to place the right people on the right projects for maximum effectiveness and creativity, or to get the job done on-time and on or under budget. 

•        Areas we want to explore and further develop…both personally and professionally, as well as technologically and operationally

On a Project and Operational level, time-tracking and managing our projects in a common location will help us to…

•        Improve the collection and analysis of data and our reporting on it

•        Manage (project) timelines better

•        Increase team effectiveness and collaboration across projects and services

•        Identify and understand common roadblocks

•        Gain insight into ideal work processes and continuous improvement efforts

On an Individual level, time tracking can help us to...

•        See how our personal work efforts are distributed across projects, teams, groups,  departments, and campus goals 

•        Identify opportunities for self-evaluation, skill-building, and professional development

•        Identify time management improvements, as well as time-wasters or unnecessary tasks 








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