In production. Used as part of RTL Lab testing process to view the student each test kit is linked to.
Employee Opt-in to receive COVID Screening
per: Chris Longhurst 5.20.20. Capture employees who are not UCSD Health patients to opt in to having an Epic record and use of their SSN.
County Order to Return to Work: Universal Symptom Monitoring
Requires employees to affirmatively indicate that they are symptom free before returning to work. ITS has mocked up in campus ServiceNow. Health is wanting to use Qualtrics. Question about scope - Health wants to use the answers to the survey to determine priority for testing. ServiceNow prototype already complete if we want to use this.
Researcher on Campus Check in/check out system.
Asks researchers to log time in and time out at the lab. Presumably this is to support contact tracing in case a lab researcher ended up testing positive for COVID.