Enhancements and bug fix release: xx/xx/xx June 2025?
Phase 3 Redesign (Dev0) Change Freeze: xx/xx/xx
TSS mapping to SAH: Change Freeze?
Similar OTL as UW and ASU
tell Invenio what we expect to see in activity table
Invenio is supposed to build views
i.e. “major” exists in ISIS and TSS. Need it to come in as we expect to see it in activity table
any enhancements should only be for what’s needed for TSS go live
run TSS in parallel with Dev0 phases
VCHS - Andy and Moh are monitoring
how many enhancements will we need to implement to accommodate TSS?
business process changes
significant validation and fixing issues after TSS mapping effort
who does this validation at UCSD?
what are Invenio’s conversion decisions?
design phase
validation phase
fix issues phase
Pull Andy and Moh and pause FinAH, COMPAH, RAH, EAH, and FACAH until TSS go live
Pull Moh and pause FinAH, RAH COMPAH until TSS go live
Moh interface with Invenio and consult with Kenny
Moh would still fix production issues
continue monitor VCHS
Does change freeze impact support of external schools?
Sama’s position is funded by CSC
Sama’s helping Kenny with SAH
when they enter validation, will need full FTE support
options: pause work on other hubs or slow down SAH and we don’t hit TSS go live
escalate to Kevin and Brett
Mindy review Merced validation hrs and bump by 50%, look at current hrs to date for ASU and UW
a portion of their costs should go to SAH
Kevin discussing IP
can we start in good faith in meantime?
still need detailed OTL
IR contract (MTC)
fixed price bid
UCSD needs to provide back to MTC
Phase 3
Can any tasks be started now?
check with Kenny if any of the BVs impacts the Nov app views that Sama’s working on
Validation phase 2
BIA is validating CVs as they become available in DEV
helps with catching issues early so won’t be replicated elsewhere
less validation needed when we enter official QA phase
Outstanding OTLs for Erin
Maximo in FACAH
Jira in RAH
possible joint budget ask from RMP and OCGA
next fiscal yr - July 2025- July 2026
Michael Weinfeld submitted a ticket for AP data (Academic Personnel)
not part of ESR
would need to be prioritized after TSS go live
what happens if TSS go live slips? What are the backlogged projects' dependent on ?
need data steward to prioritize for each hub
3 yr need vs 1 yr
contract employee (not PO)
would be a view developer / architect
Bhavya’s moving into BI role
Mindy check on data sizing and OTLs for Maximo, Jira (Ernesto/Nicole), Slate Grad (Jonathan?), uAchieve (Jonathan), Financial AR data (Heather), AP Online (Andreas), FSPT