- Information about the instructors and the class sections associated with them
- In general this view shows you all the class section associated with any instructor. If an instructor has multiple class sections per term, all class sections associated with that instructor would be visible in a given term.
- This view is NOT joined with SAH-Demographics-View or SAH-StudentStudentsStatsPerTerm-View
- Instructor most prominent job appointment - This does NOT include all the appointments associated with instructors who have more than one job appointment
- Waitlist or transfer records
- Previous terms / historical records
Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data. It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data. The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.
Please note: The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.
Key Fields to View
- Instructor Information
- Class Section Information