SAH Quick Start Guides
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The Student Activity Hub (SAH), a next generation analytical platform that helps drive data driven decision making in support of student success.
SAH empowers analysts across the university to generate operational reports to support things like enrollment counts, retention rates, and census measures in addition to some rich analysis supporting term progression, major switching, and learning analytics with the introduction of Canvas data into the system. There are other enclaves outside of SAH core data that include Admissions data and other more sensitive data sets. Access to those data sets is restricted.
Other Resources
Have a field name but not sure what view to look in? Search the Activity Hub Field List. (You must be registered with DUO to connect)
Data is loaded each night. To see when the data completed being loaded by UCSD into SAH see this report: Tableau > Public > AH Data Load Status Report. (You must be registered with DUO to connect)
SAH Basics
By design, SAH does not include students who have not accepted their offer to UC San Diego.
Student information in 'Student Activity Hub' has been tracked since 2004 to the current year. Anything prior to 2004 can be found in ISIS or the data warehouse.
SAH includes undergraduate, graduate, School or Medicine and School of Pharmacy students.
First Term Fields
Ends with the word 'First'
Displays the values that were true for the Student during their First Term at UCSD.
Found in SAH-Demographics-View
Current Term Fields
Ends with the work 'Current'
Displays the values that are true as of the Term today's date is physically located in.
For students who have left UCSD, fields with 'Current' will display values from the most recent Term.
Found in SAH-Demographics-View
Students first appear here when Registration Status Current = Enrolled
Future or Past Term Fields
Do not end with 'First' or 'Current'
Displays the values that are true as of the Term displayed in the report
Use SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View for all of these terms.
Students first appear here when Registration Status = Enrolled for the Term displayed in the report
Admit vs First Enrolled vs First Enrolled All
| UG Admit Term | UG Accepted Admit Term | UG First Enrolled Term | UG First Enrolled Term All |
When to Use | Use this with Applicant Type Code First & Applicant Decision Code First Some students will be admitted but choose not to attend. If students do not attend in the term they are admitted, you will see that by using UG First Enrolled Term Code All (if you want to see summer) or UG First Enrolled Term Code (Academic Terms only). Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term. | Use to see when the student was admitted by UCSD and accepted the offer. Can be any term. A student can accept the offer and choose to defer. Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term. | Use to see when the undergrad student first accepted and registered for UCSD. Academic Terms only. | Use to see when the undergrad student first accepted and registered for UCSD. Includes all Terms only. |
Graduate Admit
| Graduate Admit Term | Graduate Accepted Admit Term | Grad First Enrolled Term | Grad First Enrolled For All Terms |
When to Use | First term in which a student was admitted at the graduate level for any graduate degree type program. If students do not attend in the term they are admitted, you will see that by using Grad First Enrolled Term Code All (if you want to see summer) or Grad First En |