SAH Quick Start Guides

SAH Quick Start Guides

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The Student Activity Hub (SAH), a next generation analytical platform that helps drive data driven decision making in support of student success.

SAH empowers analysts across the university to generate operational reports to support things like enrollment counts, retention rates, and census measures in addition to some rich analysis supporting term progression, major switching, and learning analytics with the introduction of Canvas data into the system. There are other enclaves outside of SAH core data that include Admissions data and other more sensitive data sets. Access to those data sets is restricted. 

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SAH Basics


By design, SAH does not include students who have not accepted their offer to UC San Diego.

Student information in 'Student Activity Hub' has been tracked since 2004 to the current year.  Anything prior to 2004 can be found in ISIS or the data warehouse.

SAH includes undergraduate, graduate, School or Medicine and School of Pharmacy students.

First Term Fields

Ends with the word 'First'

Displays the values that were true for the Student during their First Term at UCSD.

Found in SAH-Demographics-View

Current Term Fields

Ends with the work 'Current'

Displays the values that are true as of the Term today's date is physically located in. 

For students who have left UCSD, fields with 'Current' will display values from the most recent Term.

Found in SAH-Demographics-View

Students first appear here when Registration Status Current = Enrolled

Future or Past Term Fields

Do not end with 'First' or 'Current'

Displays the values that are true as of the Term displayed in the report

Use SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View for all of these terms.

Students first appear here when Registration Status = Enrolled for the Term displayed in the report

Admit vs First Enrolled vs First Enrolled All


UG Admit Term

UG Accepted Admit Term

UG First Enrolled Term

UG First Enrolled Term All


UG Admit Term

UG Accepted Admit Term

UG First Enrolled Term

UG First Enrolled Term All

When to Use

Use this with Applicant Type Code First & Applicant Decision Code First

Some students will be admitted but choose not to attend.

If students do not attend in the term they are admitted, you will see that by using UG First Enrolled Term Code All (if you want to see summer) or UG First Enrolled Term Code (Academic Terms only).

Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term.

Use to see when the student was admitted by UCSD and accepted the offer.  Can be any term.

A student can accept the offer and choose to defer.

Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term.

Use to see when the undergrad student first accepted and registered for UCSD. Academic Terms only.

Use to see when the undergrad student first accepted and registered for UCSD. Includes all Terms only.

Graduate Admit


Graduate Admit Term

Graduate Accepted Admit Term

Grad First Enrolled Term

Grad First Enrolled For All Terms


Graduate Admit Term

Graduate Accepted Admit Term

Grad First Enrolled Term

Grad First Enrolled For All Terms

When to Use

First term in which a student was admitted at the graduate level for any graduate degree type program.

If students do not attend in the term they are admitted, you will see that by using Grad First Enrolled Term Code All (if you want to see summer) or Grad First Enrolled Term Code (Academic Terms only).

Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term.

Use to see when the student was admitted by UCSD and accepted the offer at the graduate level.  Can be any term.

A student can accept the offer and choose to defer.

Will be populated once student has Accepted for the Current or Future term.

Use to see when the graduate student first accepted and registered for UCSD at the graduate level. Academic Terms only.

Use to see when the graduate student first accepted and registered for UCSD at the graduate level. Includes all Terms only.


Graduate includes Masters and Doctorate degree groups, each of which includes multiple degree types.  Students will more than one Graduate degree types will display their first Admit Term, Accepted Admit Term, First Enrolled Term and First Enrolled For All Term.

In Cognos the following filter, which used with a degree type filter, can be used to identify the Admit Term per degree type =

minimum ([Per Term Demographic].[Term Set - Student Stats per Term].[Term Code] for [Student PID]) = [Per Term Demographic].[Term Set - Student Stats per Term].[Term Code]





Census Date is a set date each term where reporting counts are locked to be sent for state and federal reporting. During academic terms, this is usually during the 3rd week of instruction. 

Census Views will include the word 'Census' in the name and include data that is frozen at the Census Date of each term.

Active Students

"Active" Students differ by department, division, business unit and purpose. 

  • A student may be 'active' for gym membership purposes but 'inactive' for Biology building security purposes.

  • A student may be 'active' for enrollment purposes but 'inactive' for social event purposes.

  • A student may be 'active' between terms but 'inactive' without notifying UCSD they will not be returning.

  • A student may be 'active' for Summer School purposes but 'inactive' for IPEDs purposes.

Also, in SIS there are no dates that indicate a student will no longer be returning to UCSD, and accordingly there is no data in SAH to indicate a student will no longer be returning to UCSD.

Report developers must create their own definition of 'Active' for their reporting purposes based on the field available to them from SAH.

  • In SAH there is a field called Registration Status, if you see the value “enrolled” then the student has signed up for at least one class section, “registered” means they have signed up and paid for their enrollment, but sometimes the Registration Status gets stuck in “enrolled” so we recommend that report developers include both values from the Registration Status field.

  • Some folks include Visitors and Employees taking class sections as “Active” and some do not.  You can find Visitors, Summer Session Only and Employees via the Applicant Type fields.

  • Some folks include Non-Degree seeking students, and some don’t.  You can find Non-Degree seeking students via the Student Classification.

  • SAH includes Undergrad, Graduate, School of Pharmacy and School of Medicine.  You can use the field “Student Level” to identify which students to include.

Students Names

Student names in SAH display the lived name (when available) and default to the legal name only if the lived name is not populated.

Students New to UCSD

As students join UCSD, they move through the process of Applied → Admitted by UCSD → Student Accepts their offer → Student Enrolls in a Class Section.

Students who accept their offer for the current term or a future term will appear in the Student Activity Hub (SAH), but they will have many null fields because they have not enrolled in a Class Section.  Use UG Accepted Admit Term or Graduate Accepted Admit Term to determine when the student accepted their UCSD offer.  Students who accept their offer but do not attend will be removed from SAH core after the term they were to enroll has completed.

  • Admit Term = populated

  • Accepted Admit Term = populated

  • UG First Enrolled Term = Null

  • Registration Status Current = Null

  • Student Level Current = Null

  • Graduate Primary Major Current or UG Primary Major Current = Null


Student ethnicity information is available at an aggregated EDI and Student Data Steward approved level.  Questions and additional details regarding ethnicity can be emailed to ir@ucsd.edu. 

Term, Term Cumulative or Current Cumulative

Units, GPA and some counts have been pre-aggregated for you.  If you search on the beginning of their name (ie. 'Attempted Units') you will see the different options available to you.

_____________ = no pre-aggregation on this measure

_____________ Term = Total for Term

_____________ Term Cumulative = Running total for Terms thus far

_____________ Current Cumulative = Overall total for all Terms


There are different types of Units available to select from, depending on what you need in your report.  Each type of Unit is directly pulled from SIS.

  • Ever Enrolled Units = The number of units enrolled in by a student.  Includes withdrawal notated on the transcript (W), incomplete (I), drops, class sections without grades and non-passing grades.

  • Attempted Units = Ever Enrolled Units minus drops (without a W) and no grades. Units with a W are included.

  • Enrolled Units = Ever Enrolled filtered for Student Currently Enrolled in the Class Section. If the term is over and grades have lapsed for that term, this field should equal Attempted Units in the SAH End of Term views.

  • Completed Units = Attempted Units minus the withdrawal notated on the transcript (W) and incomplete (I).

  • Passed Units = Completed Units minus Grades of D, F and Not Passing (NP).

Transfer Units are included in the above fields.  Check out the SAH-Enrollment-View about details about transfer credits.


Find the SAH View You Need

Check out the list of SAH Use Case to SAH View to search for know uses cases and what view we recommend you use.


What is in a SAH View?

  • SAH Core: These views available to all SAH Report Developers.

  • SAH Restricted: These views required additional approval for access.


Data Source Name


Lowest Grain



Data Source Name


Lowest Grain


SAH Other

Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA)

Not a SAH deliverable.  Available only in Cognos.


No Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core



Class Component

No Demographics

No Student Stats Per Term

SAH Core



Class Component

No Demographics

No Student Stats Per Term

SAH Core


Information about students who have graduated and those who have applied for graduation.

Student / Degree

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Only current term and first term data.  For students who are no longer at UCSD the current term is their most recent term.


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Enrollment data through the end of each Term.  Includes Course, Class Section, Primary Instructor and Grade data.

Use this view only if you need course, class section or grade information.

Student / Term / 

Class Section

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Enrollment data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term. Includes Course, Class Section, Primary Instructor and Grade data up to the Census date of each Term and only Registered/Enrolled Students.

Use this view only if you need course, class section or grade information.

Student / Term / 

Class Section

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH Core


Major/minor change data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Major/minor change data through the end of each Term.

Only includes students who have changed their major / minor and does not represent a full listing of students in a given major.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Major/minor change data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Major/minor data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH Core


Retention data through the end of each Term.

Student / Cohort

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Retention data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Student / Cohort

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Retention detail data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Retention data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH Core




Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Student schedule information down to the day, time and place.

Student / Term / 

Class Section / 

Class Section Meeting

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Student data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core


Student data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Use this view as a starting point for your reports.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH Core




Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core




Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core





SAH Core






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