SAH Use Case to SAH View

SAH Use Case to SAH View

Finding a Field by Name

The Activity Hub Field List report can help you find the field you are looking for. You must be on the VPN to access this report.

Which Views to Use

Find the recommended views in these reporting scenarios:



Recommended Views


2IBCSAH-Enrollment-ViewCourse ID, Transfer Entity
3Student Level CurrentAll viewsCurrent Student
4Awarded Degree and Term SAH-Degree-ViewTerm Set - Awarded Term 
5Degree Reported TermSAH-Degree-ViewTerm Set - Reported Term


For Graduate and Undergraduate Students:

Primary and Secondary Major, Minor, Department, Division, Degree Type, Degree Group

(Current and First Records)

All views
  • Current Graduate Primary Major
  • First Graduate Primary Major
  • Current UG Primary Major
  • Current UG Primary Minor
  • Current UG Secondary Major
  • Current UG Secondary Minor
  • First UG Primary Major for All Terms
  • First UG Primary Major
  • First UG Primary Minor
  • First UG Secondary Major
  • First UG Secondary Minor

For Graduate and Undergraduate Students:

Primary and Secondary Major, Minor, Department, Division, Degree Type, Degree Group


All Views except for SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-Admission-View

  • Term Based Graduate Primary Major
  • Term Based UG Primary Major
  • Term Based UG Secondary Major
  • Term Based UG Primary Minor
  • Term Based UG Secondary Minor
9Third Awarded Major, Minor, Department, Division, Degree Type, Degree GroupSAH-Degree-ViewThird Major Awarded / Third Minor Awarded
10Looking for all majors and minors of students in one field SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-ViewTerm Based Program 
11Looking for all Undergrad and grad majors of students in one field SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-ViewTerm Based Program 
12Looking for Programs that are Self-SupportingSAH-MajorMinorNarrow-ViewTerm Based Program Flags
13Looking for Freshman Summer Program FlagAll ViewsCurrent Student Flags
14How to sort the records of students in a list report based on the enrolled termsAll ViewsUse "Term ID" from a proper "Term Set" folder 

The following fields include New, Continuing, Returning and Visitors:

  • "Student Enrollment Type First"
  • "Student Enrollment Type"
  • "Student Enrollment Type Current"

The following fields exclude Summer Terms:

  • "Student Enrollment Type" from Term Based Student folder
All Views
  • For the most current status: Current Student folder
  • For the first status: First Student folder
  • For term based status: Term Based Student folder
16All undergraduate major programs are state-supported - Therefore any self-supporting flags for undergrad students will always indicate "No" and 0 for any  self-supporting countsAll ViewsMajors Minors Flags
17"Primary Major Is Self-Supporting Flag" only applies to grad primary majorsAll ViewsMajors Minors Flags

Looking for the first enrolled term of students 

All Views
  • "Term Set - UG First Enrolled For All Terms", and "Term Set - Grad First Enrolled For All Terms", include summer terms.
  • "Term Set - UG First Enrolled", and "Term Set - Grad First Enrolled" exclude summers.

Cumulative units fields should not be aggregated

All Views
  • Attempted Units are the number of units attempted to be completed by a student, and are at the course level.
  • Attempted units Term are the total number of units on a student record during a given term.  Class Sections with a W (withdrawal notated on the transcript) are included. Class Sections dropped without a W are not included. Class Sections without a grade are not counted in ISIS.
  • Attempted Units Current Cumulative are the total number of units on a student record, for the student level.


  • SAH-Demographics-View
  • SAH-Enrollment-View 
  • SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
  • SAH-Degree-View
  • SAH-RetentionDetail-View
  • SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View
  • Current Student Measures
  • Enrollment Measure
  • Degree Awarded Measures
  • Retention Detail Measures
  • Term Based Measures
  • Term Cumulative Measures
  • Completed Units: This value is the attempted units minus the W and I grades.
  • Completed Units Term: For a term the Completed Units are the term attempted units less any W and I grades for that term.
  • Completed Units Current Cumulative: are the number of cumulative attempted number of units on a student record, less any W and I grades.




  • Current Student Measures
  • Enrollment Measure
  • Degree Awarded Measures
  • Retention Detail Measures
  • Term Based Measures
  • Term Cumulative Measures

The completed units are included in the census views once available as a courtesy to support analytic needs. 

It is presumed that analysts working with the data are aware of that grades / completed units are not available at the census date and are indeed end of term measures.

This is a design decision.

Census ViewsNA
23CIP codes for minor programs are null in ISIS. All Views
  • Current UG Primary Minor
  • Current UG Secondary Minor
  • First UG Primary Minor
  • First UG Secondary Minor

Some times "Student Classification" for some students in their first year is 'Sophomore' although their "Applicant Type" is 'New Freshman/High School', this is because some students have a lot of credits transferring from their high school that they are considered sophomore in their first year.

All ViewsStudent Current / Term Based Student
25Want to only count / see the students who remain enrolled by the end of the termSAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View, Student Class Enrollment Status, Class Section Enrollment Flag
26'Term Year' and 'Term Year (YYYY)' are both academic yearsAll Views

What is the difference between "W" and Null in grades?

If a student withdraw a course after census dates their grade is "W", but if they drop the course before the census dates, they don't have a grad at all and their grade is Null, or blank. In either case, Class Section Enrollment Status = "Drop" and Class Section Enrollment Flag = "No"

SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View, NA

"Student PID" is the lowest level in Demographics view.

All the measures in "Current Student Flag Measures" and "Current Student Measure folder" folder need to be fixed at the the student level:

Tableau report developers: {FIXED[Student ID]:MIN([...Count...])}

SAH-Demographics-ViewAll measures in the Current Student Flag Measures folder
All measures in the Current Student Measure folder

The lowest level of granularity in the Enrollment & EnrollmentCensus views/data sources is "Class Section ID".

Tableau report developers: {FIXED[Student ID], [Class Section ID] : Aggregation([%Count%])}

SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewNA

Why the Applied Count is very close to admitted count in the Admission view?

The drop in Applied Count is a difference in the way data is imported into ISIS. Before ApplyUC, started in 2018 they would import all applications into ISIS. After ApplyUC, now they only import Admitted students into ISIS. Therefore there's a drop in APPLIED_COUNT in 2018 and forward. Applied Count is actually Applied and Admitted students after that point. Admitted Count is actually the number of students who actually came (some decide to go elsewhere after they are admitted).

SAH-Admission-ViewSIS Application Flag Measures
31How to get the total number of student who applied to UCSD: Applied Count = CountD(Application ID - Application)SAH-Admission-ViewApply UC Application
32The "DFW Count Term" is at the term level and "DFW Count" is at the course level.

These should not be used together with Course subject course. because they are at a different levels of details.
SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewTerm Based Measures
33 The aggregation for 

"Course Highest Grade Earned Points"
"Course Highest Letter Grade Earned Points"

 need to be set to max
SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Measures
34The lowest level of granularity in the following views/data sources is "Class Section ID"SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewNA

The aggregation for "Class Section Enrollment Limit" should be set to max

SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Measures
36The last enrolled term is the last term a student enrolled in a class - This would be based off of ClassesSAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Measures
37Transferred and waitlisted student are not included in Enrollment CountSAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Measures

How long is a student still a student after their last enrolled term? 

If a student graduates in Winter or Spring s/he can take summer classes as a continuing student, but if s/he graduates in Fall s/he cannot.  

All Views except for SAH-Admission-ViewTerm Set - Student Last Enrolled

The followings are excluded from "UCSD UG Transfer Flag": 

  • Summer student
  • Visitors
  • Employee applications
  • Students who are not registered or enrolled at all or have a CF (Cancelled for Fees not paid) registration status code
All Views except for SAH-Admission-ViewCurrent Transfer Flags

Total units passed from courses and exams transferred into UCSD from outside institutions:

  • UG Cumulative Transfer Units
  • UG Cumulative Transfer Units Current 
  • UG Cumulative Transfer Units First 
All Views except for SAH-Admission-ViewStudent Scores / Term Cumulative Measures
41Looking for the enrollment of the students for the upcoming term
  • SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View
  • In general most views are joined with SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View and include term based information, except for SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-Admission-View
"Registration Status" from the "Term Based Student" folder
42Looking for the waitlisted students for the upcoming term and their position on the waitlistSAH-Enrollment-View or SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View.

"Waitlist Flag Current" from the "Current Student Flags" folder

"Waitlist Position Current" from "Current Student" folder

43"Last Enrolled Term Code" does NOT consider future terms. All Views except for SAH-Admission-ViewTerm Set - Student Last Enrolled
44Use "Registration Status" in ('Registered', 'Enrolled') to see enrolled students for any termAll Views 
  • Term Based Students
  • Current Students

Looking for current undergrad Athletes:

Since "registration status" filter has been removed from the logic of "Student Athletics Team Current", all the athletes are now coming through.

However the students who are already graduated should be filtered out. This can be done by setting the "Graduation Date UG Latest" to Null, if you are only looking for undergrad athletes.

  • Current Students

The following fields are sourced from EVC (Academic Affairs Information Services), and not ISIS:

  • Course Department
  • Course Department Code
  • Course Division
  • SAH-Enrollment-View
  • SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
  • SAH-InstructorAssignment-View
  • SAH-instructorAssignmentCensus
  • SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerDay-View
  • SAH-StudentSchedule-View
Enrollment Course

Right now, SAH provides the following information about Applicant Type:

  • Applicant Type Code Current
    • This field reflects the Applicant Type Code from the most recent student application.
    • For example, when a student has been readmitted this value will be READ.
  • Applicant Type Code First
    • This field reflects the Applicant Type Code from the student’s first admission to UCSD.
    • For example, the value in this field may be VIS if that is the value on their first application to attend UCSD.
  • Applicant Type Code
    • This is a term based field that will reflect the most recent acceptance application.
    • This field would allow for a term by term review of accepted student applicant types for the student’s career at UCSD.

Important Note: There are very few cases where the student "Applicant Type Code First" is 'Vis' but the "Applicant Type Code Current" or "Applicant Type Code" might be 'READ' instead of 'TRAN' or 'ICT'. In this case if you have a filter to just look for TRAN or ICT, then you might miss those student.

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View 
  • SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View
  • Current Student
  • First Student
  • Term Based Student

An ICT is an inter-campus transfer student. 

These are students that apply to UC San Diego who have matriculated at another UC campus (excluding extension) during a regular term prior to applying here and it is their last school of attendance. 

Students who have an applicant type of TRAN are transfer students whose last school of attendance is not a UC, but there is a possibility they attended another UC Campus before transferring to their current institution.

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View 
  • SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View
  • Current Student
  • First Student
  • Term Based Student

We also have the following fields related to identifying Transfer students:

  • UCSD UG Non-Transfer Flag / Count / Term %
  • UCSD UG Transfer Flag / Count / Term %

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View 
  • SAH-Student Stats Per Term-View
  • Current Student
  • First Student
  • Term Based Student

Attempted Units Term are a summarization at the end of the term and are sourced from Grade activities. Therefore since grades aren’t posted until the end of the term,  there aren’t records for  Attempted Units Term in the current term, yet.

However "Attempted Units" which is per student per class section, is available in the Enrollment view as well as for current term.

  • SAH-Enrollment-View
  • SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View

51For the visitor students we expect to see null for their admit term. This is the logic of this field and is expected.

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View 
  • Term Set - UG Admit
  • Term Set - Graduate Admit

Official UCSD admission = use UG Admit Term.  First time registering = use UG First Enrolled Term

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View 
  • UG Admit Term
  • UG First Enrolled Term
  • UG First Enrolled Term All

I want to see Enrollments for Future Terms

Note: Students must have enrolled in at least 1 class in the future term in order to be seen in SAH


Term Based Student

Student Count

54Class Section Enrollment CountSAH-Enrollment-View / SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Measures

Enrolled at End of Term Count

Enrolled at Census Date Count

SAH-Enrollment-View / SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewTerm Based Measures
56DFW CountsSAH-Enrollment-View / SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Flag Measures
57Admissions TermSAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-ViewTerm Based Student
58Visa Type and Visa Type Code - Current and historical (Term Based)SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-ViewCurrent Student and Term Based Student

Military Status Current - This is self-reported by the student and not verified

Parents Education Level Current

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewCurrent Student

Gender Derived

Any more gender information is restricted.  Email ir@ucsd.edu for more information.

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewCurrent Student and Term Based Student

I want to use Ethnicity EDI Current and Term Based Fields

Any more detailed ethnicity information is restricted.  Email ir@ucsd.edu for more information.

SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-ViewCurrent Student and Term Based Student

I want to use the Freshman Summer Program Flag

I want to use the Athlete Current Flag

I want to use the International Current Flag

I want to use the First Generation Current Flag

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewCurrent Student Flags
63I want to see the first undergraduate primary major of studentsSAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewFirst UG Primary Major
64Student major minor change date - Students former and current major/minor if they have switched to a new program11SAH-MajorMinorDetail-ViewMajor Minor Details
65I want to see where are students moving to or where are they moving fromSAH-MajorMinorDetail-ViewFrom - To

The very first term a student was admitted to and later attended UCSD at the undergraduate level. Also know as UG Accepted Term.

Can included Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer terms.

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewTerm Set - UG Admit

For the Cohort: a portion of time within a year when academic studies are performed.

Undergrad non-transfers only. Fall only.

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewTerm Set - IPEDs Cohort
68Looking for UCSD undergraduate transfer studentsSAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewTerm Set - UCSD UG Transfer
69Looking for UCSD undergraduate non-transfer studentsSAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewTerm Set - UCSD UG Non-Transfer
70First Academic Term Primary Major fields follow the same logic as the existing First Primary Major fields, but consider academic terms only. This means majors from summer terms preceding a first academic term would not be considered.SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-ViewFirst UG Primary Major for All Terms
71Looking for third week (census) records of students RetentionSAH-RetentionCensus-View
72Looking for third week (census) records of students class section / course enrollmentSAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
73Looking for historical data or for an upcoming term enrollment.SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-ViewTerm Set - Student Stats Per Term
74Looking for Course and Class Section informationSAH-Enrollment-View / SAH-EnrollmentCensus-ViewEnrollment Course / Enrollment Class Section
75Looking for historical data or for an upcoming term enrollment.SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View or any view joined with those viewsTerm Set - Student Stats Per Term
76Looking for only the current term informationSAH-Demographics-ViewTerm Set - Rolling Terms
77Looking for the student records in the first three weeks of the term. At three weeks, census views freeze and the records won't change.All Census Views

If you are looking for the status of a student registration for prior terms:

Use the desired "Term" along with "Registration Status" from "Term Based Student" folder.

SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View / SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View or any view joined with those viewsTerm Based Student

Current fields show the student most recent records and activities. This doesn't necessary mean that the current fields refer to today.


If a student is graduated 5 years ago and their "Registration Status Current" is showing 'Registered', then this record refers to the status of their registration 5 years ago.

SAH-Demographics-View or any view pre-joined with SAH-Demographics-View

Current Student

80If you want to only see current term code in your report, then you can filter the report for “Term Code” = “Current Term Code” or "Current Term Flag" = 'Yes'

All views that are joined with the following views:

  • SAH-Demographics-View