Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA) Quick Start Guides

Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA) Quick Start Guides

The Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA) is an application designed to assist departments, divisions, schools and units in scheduling classes at UC San Diego, obtaining approval for Summer Session class offerings, and communicating with the offices of Summer Session and the Registrar. This package contains information from the ISA application.

Folder Level Security:

Row Level Security: There is security associated with the fields listed below. You can pull the field into the report, but if you do not have access, the fields will contain no data.

Folder Field with Row Level Security
Projected Class Section

Class Section Note

Class Section Note to Summer Session

CourseCourse Note Details
Projected InstructorInstructor Note
Instructor Scheduling Preference

Instructor Preferred Day Code

Instructor Preferred DayTime Note

Instructor Preferred End Time

Instructor Preferred Schedule Submission Status

Instructor Preferred Start Time

Instructor Scheduling Preference

Instructor Preferred General Scheduling Note

Instructor Preferred Schedule Submission Status

Projected Class ComponentClass Component Note