SAH Core Views Quick Start Guides

SAH Core Views Quick Start Guides

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Student Activity Hub Basics

  • Student information has been tracked in the 'Student Activity Hub' since 2005. (Starting in 2025 this will be updated to the full history of SIS).

  • Current fields show a student's most recent activities and information.

  • Term Based fields show a student's historical activities and information.

  • First Term fields show a student's first recorded activities and information.

  • Census views include student information from the first 3 weeks of the term.

  • Student Activity Hub will not match the STUREG Table for WI22 census date records, since the extract for that table has NOT been run for the correct census date for WI22. Student Activity Hub will continue to match the correct census dates.

Finding a Field Name

The Activity Hub Field List report can help you find the field you are looking for. You must be on the VPN to access this report.

Find the View You Need

In general, SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View or SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View are they best places to start.

Data Source NameDescriptionLowest GrainContains
Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA)Not a SAH deliverable.  Available only in Cognos.

No Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-Degree-ViewInformation about students who have graduated and those who have applied for graduation.

Student / Degree

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-Demographics-ViewOnly current term and first term data.  For students who are no longer at UCSD the current term is their most recent term.Student

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)


Enrollment data through the end of each Term.  Includes Course, Class Section, Primary Instructor and Grade data.

Use this view only if you need course, class section or grade information.

Student / Term / 

Class Section

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)


Enrollment data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term. Includes Course, Class Section, Primary Instructor and Grade data up to the Census date of each Term and only Registered/Enrolled Students.

Use this view only if you need course, class section or grade information.

Student / Term / 

Class Section

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH-MajorMinor-ViewMajor/minor change data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)


Major/minor change data through the end of each Term. 

This view only includes students who have changed their major / minor and does not represent a full listing of students in a given major.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-ViewMajor/minor change data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-ViewMajor/minor data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH-Retention-ViewRetention data through the end of each Term.

Student / Cohort

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-RetentionCensus-ViewRetention data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.Student / Cohort

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

No Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-RetentionDetail-ViewRetention detail data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-ViewRetention data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Student / Term / 


Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

SAH-StudentSchedule-ViewStudent schedule information down to the day, time and place.

Student / Term / 

Class Section / 

Class Section Meeting

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)

SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-ViewStudent data through the end of each Term.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term (Per Term)


Student data where updates stop at the Census date of each Term.

Use this view as a starting point for your reports.

Student / Term

Yes Demographics (Current Term, First Term)

Yes Student Stats Per Term Census (Per Term)

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