SAH-Demographics-View Quick Start Guide

SAH-Demographics-View Quick Start Guide


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The following article is a start guide for those using demographic information from the Student Activity Hub (SAH). It includes various terms for those using the tool and tips for new users. 

Critical Concepts

Pre-Joined Data

  • The SAH-Demographics-View is focused on one row per student.

  • This view contains students who have been enrolled at some point, even if those student have later withdrawn from UCSD.

  • Demographics view looks at the most current registration status without looking forward.

  • Current fields show a student's most recent activities and information at UCSD.

  • First fields show a student's first term of recorded activities and information at UCSD.

  • The values for current fields will be carried over if a student graduates or drops out.


Calculated based on student date of birth, when available.  When the date of birth is not available this field will be null.

Majors and Minors

  • Graduate Primary Major: Based on the primary major indicated by the graduate student.

  • UG Primary Major: Based on the primary major indicated by the undergrad student.

  • UG Primary Minor: Based on the alphabetical name order of the minors indicated by the undergrad student.

  • UG Secondary Major: Based on the alphabetical name of the majors indicated by the undergrad student.

  • UG Secondary Minor: Based on the alphabetical name order of the minors indicated by the undergrad student.

Term Sets

  • Grad First Enrolled: Displays the academic term the grad student was first enrolled at UCSD.

  • Grad First Enrolled For All Terms: Displays the term the grad student was first enrolled at UCSD, including summer sessions.

  • Graduate Admit: Displays the term the grad student was first admitted to UCSD, including summer sessions.

  • Graduate Cohort:

  • IPEDs Cohort:

  • Rolling Terms: Can be used to filter your report with rolling calendar terms so the report automatically updates itself and rolls into the next term.

  • Student Last Enrolled: Displays the last term an undergrad student or grad student was enrolled at UCSD.

  • UCSD First Term Grad: Displays the term the grad student was first enrolled at UCSD as a first time graduate, including summer sessions.

  • UCSD UG Non-Transfer: Displays the term the undergrad student was first enrolled at UCSD as a first time first year, including summer sessions.

  • UCSD UG Transfer: Displays the term the undergrad student was first enrolled at UCSD as a first time transfer, Fall only.

  • UG Admit: Displays the term the undergrad student was first admitted to UCSD, including summer sessions.

  • UG First Enrolled: Displays the academic term the undergrad student was first enrolled at UCSD.

  • UG First Enrolled For All Terms: Displays the term the undergrad student was first enrolled at UCSD, including summer sessions.

Steps to Take

Key Fields to Display

  1. Registration Status Current

  2. Student Level Current

  3. Student Count or Student PID

Key Fields to Filter on

  1. Registration Status Current in (Registered, Enrolled)


Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data.  It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data.  The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.

Please note:  The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.



Key (Uniqueness / Group By)



Key (Uniqueness / Group By)

All Demographic Measure Folders

All fields in folder

Student PID + Term ID
No LOD Needed


If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket or email busintel@ucsd.edu


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