SAH-Degree-View Quick Start Guide


  • Current, Historical, and First recorded activities and information about students comes from from SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
  • Students who have been awarded a degree and student who have applied for a degree are included.


Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data.  It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data.  The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.

Please note:  The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.

The LOD on degree view is degree per student and "Award Sequence Identifier" comes into play when multiple degrees are awarded.




Degree AwardedAward Sequence IdentifierA 3 digit number usually assigned the order the degrees were conferred. It starts at 001 and is incremented by 1 for each subsequent degree. In cases where a student has a double major, the award could be represented as one or two award sequences. A double major can be conferred as a single award in cases when the award type and the honors for both majors are the same. If multiple awards are required any minors, area studies, programs of concentration, and latin honors will be entered on the award with the highest sequence number.
Degree Awarded FlagsAward Sequence Identifier FlagIndicates that the Award Sequence Identifier is equal to 1.
Term Based Student
The history of students basic data 
Current Student
The most current student basic data
Term Set - Reported Term

based on when award is reported to UCOP

Term Set - First Registered

use when looking for students who first registered for UCSD classes 

Note: Visitors are not included

Term Set - UG First Enrolled

Note: Visitors are excluded

Term Set - Awarded Term
Use this term set to view a term in which a student has been awarded

Additional Notes:

Time to Degree