Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are included in this month's SAH Release.
Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress.
For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office. Please reach out to them directly.
Duplicates in Production - RESOLVED
BIA is aware that there may be duplicate records due to an issue that occurred during last night's migration. We are actively working to resolve this issue and anticipate a resolution today. Is it rare for us to experience issue when migrating to Production and we apologize for the inconvenience. The following views are impacted:
- SAH-ClassComponentSchedule-View and SAH-ClassComponentScheduleCensus-View
- SAH-Enrollment-View and SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
- SAH-InstructorAssignment-View and SAH-InstructorAssignmentCensus-View
- SAH-InstructorSchedule-View and SAH-InstructorScheduleCensus-View
- SAH-StudentSchedule-View
New Findings Regarding Time Limit Term Code Fields
On Wednesday, October 8, BIA was made aware that the data source (OGS) used for the new Time Limit Term Code Fields displays the generic value for each program and student, and does not include ISIS overrides used for exceptions. Due to the late discovery of this information BIA is working to review the alignment with legacy reporting in this area that prompted the addition of the fields to SAH to determine our course of any immediate action. While improving the accuracy of these fields by including the student extensions provisioned in ISIS will be done in the future, for now we are leaving the fields as-is. Please be aware that if you choose to use these fields the individual extensions are not included in the field logic at this time, but will be applied in a future release.
Dev0 Phase2 Starting
On October 14th the BIA team will start Dev0 Phase 2 in our preparation for TSS. Enhancements made in Dev0 Phase 1 will be applied to the views that are the focus of Dev0 Phase 2. This critical effort will take several months to complete and SAH will have a code-freeze during this time. Look for emails in February 2025 regarding Dev0 Phase 2 User Acceptance Training where report developers can provide feedback on Dev0 enhancements.
Thursday, September 19, end of day: release enhancements to User Acceptance Testing
Wednesday, October 8, UAT feedback due
Thursday, October 9, end of day: release enhancement to Production
Friday, October 10, end of day: delete QA models
Thank You Report Developers!
Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests.
- Bhavya Guntupalli
- Max Drennen
- Cheryl Kettnich
- Rachael Lapidis
- Andy Munoz
- Steven Newberg
- Aymme Olson
- John Olson
- Lindsay Root
- April Yan
- SIS Reporting Project
Your Requested Enhancements!
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.
All Views Joined With SAH-Demographics-View
Epic: - SAHR-1716Getting issue details... STATUS
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: CS1892913, CS1657339, CS2021885, CS2076888, CS2192380
Added the following fields:
UG Accepted Admit Term Code
UG Accepted Applicant Type
UG Accepted Applicant Type Code
UG Cumulative Transfer Units Current
UG Cumulative Transfer Units First
Views that include SAH-Demographics fields:
- SAH-CollegeDetail-View
- SAH-Degree-View
- SAH-Demographics-View
- SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
- SAH-Enrollment-View
- SAH-Housing-View
- SAH-LMS-AssignmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-ConversationMessages
- SAH-LMS-CB-DiscussionTopicEntry-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-GroupMembers-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentCourseStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerWeek-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-Submission-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-WikiPage-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionEntryEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionTopicEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-EnrollmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-ExternalToolEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-FileEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GradingEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GroupEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-QuizEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-SectionStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerDay-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerTermNarrow-View
- SAH-LMS-Student-View
- SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-WikiPageEvents-View
- SAH-MajorMinorDetail-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View
- SAH-MajorMinor-View
- SAH-PersonDataAudit-View
- SAH-RetentionCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetail-View
- SAH-Retention-View
- SAH-StudentHoldsNarrow-View
- SAH-StudentSchedule-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-StudentWithdrawalNarrow-View
- SAH-TestScores-View
- SAH-WaitlistAudit-View
All Views Joined With SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
Epic: - SAHR-1701Getting issue details... STATUS
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: SISRPT-29, CS1895389
Added the following fields:
Graduate Normative Elapsed Time Limit Term Code
Graduate Pre-Candidacy Time Limit Term Code
Graduate Support Time Limit Term Code
Graduate Total Registered Time Limit Term Code
Views that include SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm fields:
- SAH-Degree-View
- SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
- SAH-Enrollment-View
- SAH-LMS-AssignmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-ConversationMessages
- SAH-LMS-CB-DiscussionTopicEntry-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-GroupMembers-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentCourseStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerWeek-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-Submission-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-WikiPage-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionEntryEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionTopicEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-EnrollmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-ExternalToolEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-FileEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GradingEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GroupEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-QuizEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-SectionStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerDay-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerTermNarrow-View
- SAH-LMS-Student-View
- SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-WikiPageEvents-View
- SAH-MajorMinorDetail-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View
- SAH-MajorMinor-View
- SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetail-View
- SAH-StudentSchedule-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-StudentWithdrawalNarrow-View
- SAH-WaitlistAudit-View
Epic: - SAHR-2274Getting issue details... STATUS
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: CS1617779, CS1924769, SISRPT-29
Added the following fields:
Doctoral Committee Chair Employee ID
Doctoral Committee Chair Full Name
Doctoral Committee Chair PID
Doctoral Committee Chair Primary Appointment Department
Doctoral Committee Chair Primary Job Code Description
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair Employee ID
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair Full Name
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair PID
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair Primary Appointment Department
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair Primary Job Code Description
SAH-Enrollment-View and SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
Epic: - SAHR-1679Getting issue details... STATUS
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: CS0808136
Added the following fields to both views:
UC Online Home Campus
UC Online Host Campus
Added the follow fields to SAH-Enrollment-View only:
- UG Entity Attendance Period Transfer Attempted Units
- UG Entity Attendance Period Transfer Completed Units
- UG Entity Attendance Period Transfer Grade Point Units
- UG Entity Attendance Period Transfer Grade Points
- UG Entity Attendance Period Transfer Passed Units
- Waitlist DateTime Current
UAT - Customer Service Reminder
Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly. For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT. If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.
Follow our Enhancement User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Steps
- Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Student Activity Hub > Student Activity Hub Packages UAT to build your report and select Hana QA. Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail. Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
- Tableau: Sign into Tableau on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report. Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title. Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
- Hana QA: SAH data in Hana QA is production data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.
If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:
- What browser are you using?
- What environment are you using? Cognos DEV, QA or PROD? Or Tableau?
- What data source / package are you using?
- What results were you expecting?
Reminder: QA data sources will be deleted the Friday after the enhancements are migrated to Production.