Hello EAH Developers - The below enhancements are included in the this month's EAH Release.
Keep up with our future enhancements here: EAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress
Table of Contents
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.
Thursday, October 5, end of day: release enhancements to User Acceptance Testing
Thursday, October 12, end of day: release enhancement to Production
Friday, October 13, end of day: delete QA models
Thank You Report Developers!
Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests.
- Kevin Chou
- Joseph File
- David Mandell
- Tejas Parikh
- Heather Sears
- Eva Thiveos
New View: EAH-PayrollEarningsTransactionDetail-View
Looking for more detail related to Payroll Earnings? BIA and the UC Path Reporting team are excited to introduce the EAH-PayrollEarningsTransactionDeatil-View. This new view builds on the EAH-PayrollEarningsDetail-View by adding more transactional details.
Per our standard process, this view will remain in UAT for a full month and go to Production in October. Please email busintel@ucsd.edu if you have any feedback on this new view.
Epic: - EAHE-2757Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1437862
Includes row-level security.
Pre-joined with most EAH-Workforce fields + EAH-PayrollEarningsDetail-View. Unique fields in this view include:
- Pay Calendar Check Date
- Pay Check Additional Earnings Number
- Pay Check Company Code
- Pay Check Earnings
- Pay Check Earnings Add To Gross Pay Count
- Pay Check Earnings Add To Gross Pay Flag
- Pay Check Earnings Business Unit
- Pay Check Earnings Business Unit Code
- Pay Check Earnings Department
- Pay Check Earnings Department Code
- Pay Check Earnings Employee Record
- Pay Check Earnings Hourly Rate
- Pay Check Earnings Hours
- Pay Check Earnings Job Code
- Pay Check Earnings Job Code Description
- Pay Check Earnings Paysheet Source
- Pay Check Earnings Paysheet Source Code
- Pay Check Earnings Position
- Pay Check Earnings Position Number
- Pay Check Earnings Rate Used
- Pay Check Earnings Rate Used Code
- Pay Check Earnings Record Source
- Pay Check Earnings Time Reference Number
- Pay Check Earnings Time Source
- Pay Check Earnings Time Source Code
- Pay Check Separate Check Number
New View: EAH-TimeReported-View
EcoTime has provided some technical challenges for reports, but working with the UC Path Reporting team and our ITS partner team, an adjacent data source has been identified so that we can bring you the EAH-TimeReported-View.
Per our standard process, this view will remain in UAT for a full month and go to Production in October. Please email busintel@ucsd.edu if you have any feedback on this new view.
Epic: - EAHE-2932Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1587329
Includes row-level security.
Pre-joined with many EAH-Workforce-View fields. Fields unique to this view:
- Reported Time
- Reported Time Business Unit
- Reported Time Business Unit Code
- Reported Time Code
- Reported Time Combination Code
- Reported Time DateTime Created
- Reported Time DateTime Modified
- Reported Time Last Updated By User ID
- Reported Time Last Updated DateTime
- Reported Time Position
- Reported Time Position Number
- Reported Time Quantity
- Reported Time Sequence Number
- Reported Time Status
- Reported Time Status Code
- Reported Time Work Date
View Your Requested Enhancements
EAH-LLFringeDetail-View, EAH-LLSalaryDetail-View and EAH-LLSalaryFringeDetail-View
Epic: - EAHE-3001Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1696596
Added the following new fields:
Award Most Recent Principal Investigator Employee ID
Epic: - EAHE-2768Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CSTASK0028415, CS1534005
Updated the following logic:
GSR Projection Changes:
Project on the GSR-NO REM position in July-September, regardless of status, ignoring job end date.
- Look at GSR-NO REM job title code
- Look at 'Active' and 'Short Work Break' status
- Honor 'current' status for current period,
- Project in Future period (July - Sep next FY) based on data found during October - June
Project on the other GSR position October-June, regardless of status, ignoring job end date.
- Look at the other list of GSR job titles (in the pdf doc)
- Project October through June
- Look at 'Active' and 'Short Work Break' status
Avoid projecting on more than one GSR position the same month.
July - September should ONLY be projecting GSR-NO REM
October - June should ONLY be projecting GSR
GSR Job Titles:
GSR NO Rem Job Title: 003266
Why: Create future projections for GSR jobs into future period(s) when current Employee Status is 'Short Work Break'. Avoid concurrent projections when employees have both GSR and GSR no rem jobs.
TA Projection Changes
- Project TA Tuition Remission 3x per year: Months 12, 3 and 6
- Include Job Codes in selection list:
002860 - Create new Projections on Account 50818 (same as GSR projection)
- Projection amount per period = 5969.33
- Prorate amount by FTE and Position Funding Distribution Percentage
- a 'Full' TA FTE = .5
- Set maximum FTE to .5 if FTE > .5
Why: Create additional projections to improve accuracy of projections.
Vacation Leave Assessment (VLA) Projections
- Create New Projections on Account 508300
- For an employee workforce record, assign the related "Employee Group" for each Workforce "Eligibility Group"
- Valid groups are: 1, 2, 3
- For Each "Employee Group", Determine the "Vacation Leave Assessment Rate"
- Vacation = salary times rate, prorated by Funding Distribution Percentage
Additional details: How to Understand Vacation Accounting Transactions in UCPath
Why: Create additional projections to improve accuracy of projections.
UAT - Customer Service Reminder
Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly. For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT. If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.
A duty cycle has been implemented for Hana QA. During this time, Hana QA will not be available. Please schedule your UAT work around this duty cycle.
- Hana QA will not be available from 7pm-5am nightly
- Hana QA will not be available Saturday and Sunday
- Data loads will occur from 5am-10am on weekdays
Follow our Enhancement User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Steps
- Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Student Activity Hub > Student Activity Hub Packages UAT to build your report and select Hana QA. Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail. Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
- Tableau: Sign into Tableau on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report. Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title. Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
- Hana QA: SAH data in Hana QA is production data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.
If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:
- What browser are you using?
- What environment are you using? Cognos DEV, QA or PROD? Or Tableau?
- What data source / package are you using?
- What results were you expecting?
Reminder: QA data sources will be deleted the Friday after the enhancements are migrated to Production.