Cognos Training

Cognos Analytics provides self-service business intelligence training that enable users to efficiently navigate and access data to create and run customized reports and dashboards. The engaging, intent-driven interface features content-sensitive menus that guide users through the development process.

Publicly Available Training Options

Sample Codes

monthname( Date )SQL function that Cognos likes but Hana does not.  Do not use with Activity Hubs.
Set null dates to null

cast (NULL, date)

Use this to force cognos to treat Null values as dates

Remove null values

Filter for [Field Name] is not null

This performs better than using [Field Name] <> ''

Return not null value

Don't use isnull, use coalesce

COALESCE([EAH Employee ID], [RAH Employee ID])

COALESCE([Measure Name Amount], 0)

must have the same data type

Days Open Group (days)"if ( [Days Open] <=1) then ('1 day open') else if ([Days Open] between 1 and 2) then ('2 days open') else if ([Days Open] between 2 and 7) then ('2-7 days open') else if ([Days Open] between 7 and 14) then ('7-14 days open') else if ([Days Open] between 14 and 30) then ('14-30 days open') else if ([Days Open] between 30 and 60) then ('30-60 days open') else if ([Days Open] between 60 and 90) then ('60-90 days open') else ('90+ days open')"
Formatted Date Rangenumtodsinterval(if ([End Date] is null) then ([Open Date]) else ([End Date] - [Open Date]), 'day')
Format Datenumtodsinterval([item]), 'interval type')
Format DateDateDiff()
Format HH:MM timeto_char([Time], 'HH:MI AM')
Open Time Group (date time)"CASE WHEN [Open Time] <= 001 00:00:00.000 THEN '24 Hours' WHEN [Open Time] > 001 00:00:00.000 AND [Open Time] <= 002 00:00:00.000 THEN '48 Hours' WHEN [Open Time] > 002 00:00:00.000 AND [Open Time] <= 007 00:00:00.000 THEN '1 week' WHEN [Open Time] > 007 00:00:00.000 AND [Open Time] <= 014 00:00:00.000 THEN '2 weeks' WHEN [Open Time] > 014 00:00:00.000 AND [Open Time] <= 028 00:00:00.000 THEN '4 weeks' ELSE '> 4 weeks' END"
End of Day


Start of Day0:00:00
Yesterday[Date] = current_date - 1 00:00:00.000
Last Week Starting Sunday[Week - Sunday Start] between _add_days(current_date, -13) and _add_days(current_date, -7)
Last Weekbetween _add_days(current_date, -7) and _add_days(current_date, -1)
Last Monthbetween _first_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -1)) and _last_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -1))
Current Year Filterextract (year, [Close Date]) = extract(year, (_last_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -1))))
Fiscal YTD"[start year] = if (extract(month from current_date) <= 10) then (extract(year from current_date)-1) else (extract(year from current_date)) [start char yr] = cast([start year], varchar(4)) [start date] = cast(([start char yr] || '-10-01'), date) filter = [Date] between [start date] and _last_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -1))"
YTD ChangeCurrent Year - Prior Year
YTD % Growth(Current Year - Prior Year) / absolute values (Prior Year)
Month Names"CASE [MonthNum] WHEN 1 then 'Jan' WHEN 2 then 'Feb' WHEN 3 then 'Mar' WHEN 4 then 'Apl' WHEN 5 then 'May' WHEN 6 then 'Jun' WHEN 7 then 'Jul' WHEN 8 then 'Aug' WHEN 9 then 'Sep' WHEN 10 then 'Oct' WHEN 11 then 'Nov' ELSE 'Dec' END"
Previous 4 months"[Open Date] between _first_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -4)) and _last_of_month(_add_months(current_date, -1))"
First letter for first wordsubstr([item],1,1)
Returns 1st wordsubstr(UPPER([Short Description]), 1, (instr([Short Description],' ',1,1)))
Returns 4th word"trim(substr(' '||[Event Service Description]||' ', instr(' '||[Event Service Description]||' ',' ',1,4)+1, instr(' '||[Event Service Description]||' ',' ',1,4+1)- instr(' '||[Event Service Description]||' ',' ',1,4)-1))"
Group by AH


when Package  like 'EAH%' then 'EAH'

when Package  like 'FINAH%' then 'FINAH'

when Package  like 'PAH%' then 'PAH'

when Package  like 'RAH%' then 'RAH'

when Package  like 'SAH%' then 'SAH'

else 'Other'


Seconds to time intervalcast(cast([Total Avail Time] as interval second) as interval hour to second)
Number to time intervalnumtodsinterval([x])
Zero Timecast(0, time)
Day from time intervalextract(day, [x])
Display last 2 yearstail ([Year], 2)
Change 4 to 04substring (([x]+100), 2, 2)
Convert to numberto_num([x])
html open in new tab<a href="http://myURL" target="_blank">text</a>
replaces 'test' with nullreplace([X], 'test')
Convert number to stringto_char([x])
Approvals"if ([Task Approval] = 'rejected') then ('Rejected') else if ([Approval] <> 'rejected' AND [Request Item Stage] = 'Request Cancelled') then ('Cancelled') else ('Approved')"
Month Formatto_char(date_trunc('Month',[Ticket Received Date]),'MON-YYYY')
Month Formatto_char([Date],'MMYYYY')
Create Null Dates"if ([Date] = 9999-12-31T00:00:00.000000000 ) then (null) else ([Date])"
n indicates max size of field - may work without (n)cast(field, character (n))
Cast as Datecast( '1970-01-01', date)
Field converted from seconds to time intervalnvl(field,0) * cast ('000 00:00:01.000', interval day to second)
n is number of digits - p is number of decimalscast(field, numeric (n,p))
Yesterday_add_days (current_date, - 1)
8 days ago_add_hours (current_date, -8)
Replaces value 'x' with value 'y'. Translate only works for single value text itemsTranslate([FIELD], 'x', 'y')
Displays all values in string up to 'abcd'. IF string 'abcd' is not in the field, will display blank.Substr([FIELD], 1, instr([FIELD], 'abcd') -1)
Found in Assignee_inc and Assignee_task queries[Incident Open Week - Sunday Start] <= _add_days(current_date, -7)
Capitalizes the first letter of the string in FIELD.upper(substr([FIELD], 1, 1)) || lower(substr([FIELD], 2))
Capitalizes the first letter each word.initcap([FIELD])
Concatenates 2 string fields. Verify results when null involved.[FIELD1] || [FIELD2]
Cast as Datecast(1900-01-01,date)
(current_timestamp) creates a Time Zone, Oracle automatically took care of the TZ. Netezza doesn't like it.(cast(current_timestamp, timestamp))
Reduce text to fix Netezza requirement and place in single rowmaximum (if ([Request Item Option] = 'Make Model') then (cast(lower([Request Item Option Text]), character (100))) else (' ') for [Request Item Number])
Changes <BR> to a blank.Replace([FIELD], '<BR>', ' ')
Replace a valueif (instr([FIELD], '<BR>') = 0) then ([FIELD]) else (substr([FIELD], 1, instr([FIELD], '<BR>')-1))
Field converted from seconds to time intervalnvl([FIELD], 0) * cast('000 00:00:01.000', interval day to second)
Field converted from seconds to time intervalcoalesce([FIELD], 0) * cast('000 00:00:01.000', interval day to second)
time interval between two timestampsselect extract(epoch from '2014-08-05 08:00:28'::timestamp - '2014-08-04 08:00:23'::timestamp)
time interval between two timestampsage([time1], [time2])
remove last 5 characters of stringsubstring([Term], 1, (char_length ([Term])-5))