Cognos Run in Same Tab or New Tab

Cognos Run in Same Tab or New Tab

Do you ever wish you could see your report results before and after a report edit, side by side to compare?

When you are building a report and run the results, by default, Cognos will open a new tab and then reuse that tab when you rerun your results.

If you would like Cognos to continue to open a new tab every time you run the report, creating a tab for each run you do, you can use these steps to change the setting. 

Changing this setting will carry over to any other report you build.

  1. In the report edit screen click on the vertical triple dots seen on the upper right side of the screen.  This will open a menu.
  2. Click on Options.
  3. Uncheck "Reuse IBM Cognos Viewer window"
  4. Click Apply.  Click Ok.
  5. Now, each time you run your report while editing a new tab will appear directly next to your editing tab.

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