Cognos CoP Meetings

Cognos CoP Meetings

Recording, attendance and chat: One Drive > https://ucsdcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jmwhite_ucsd_edu/Esw5TIm2FhtPmYMGR2GVKbYBKd5zGatlp48yrEgTU4_gwA?e=bMugd3

              We attempt to record all of our meetings for users who cannot attend.  We do pause the recording when requested when sensitive information is shared.

Time Tracking: ACOP-386

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Requested Topics

Demo of IBM Planning Tool

(Sarah working with IBM)

  1. OneDrive > Financial Analytics CoP
Links w/ passing parameters from Cognos into TableauSarah putting together a demo
Links w/ passing parameters from Tableau into CognosSarah putting together a demo
Cognos Dashboards vs Cognos Report VisualizationsSarah working with IBM

Ask IBM for future demo of new dashboard / visualization in upgrade

Data Blending

Data blending idea: FinAH-project cost view + RAH-Award Details view. The goal is to show PI & Co-I of an award alongside the expenditures for the award.

For Data Blending, Pull in EAH info into SAH Reports. Anthony would probably be writing this. Need from EAH name, email, dept to include for Mentors. Emp ID should be available.

For data blending, EAH, SAH, and FinAH - I join these all together for the graduate student funding report and with the new Student Information System going in place in the next couple of years, the SIS reporting team could probably benefit from having these 3 blended

How to create report Views / Scheduling

Drill through with multiple values.  Cross-tab example and list example.

Chart example.

Creating a crosstab with multiple values
Link from Cognos field header to Definition report
Data Module configuration best practicesI've noticed that when migrating from DEV to QA, I often have to relink data sources within the module once in QA. I'm curious if there are any strategies or configurations that can be implemented to streamline this process and avoid the need for manual relinking with each migration. 


Q: Is there a way to save layout options in a report view?

BIA: Report developer is not allowed in Cognos Production.  We would need to change this policy to allow users to save their edited copy of the report.

A. Report views will let you save prompt values, but not from the display area.

Note: Oracle will let you change the report and save a copy for users to start with.

BIA - Ask IBM how can users best keep the changes that they are allowed to make?

Q: Why does Cognos not keep totals in the same row?BIA - Ask IBM why does it stay in the same row sometimes and sometimes not?
Q: View filter limitsBIA - Ask IBM why does the viewer filter pull the entire list of values and not just the filtered values?

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