2025 Cognos CoP Meetings

2025 Cognos CoP Meetings

Recording, attendance and chat: One Drive > https://ucsdcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jmwhite_ucsd_edu/Esw5TIm2FhtPmYMGR2GVKbYBKd5zGatlp48yrEgTU4_gwA?e=bMugd3

We attempt to record all of our meetings for users who cannot attend.  We do pause the recording when requested when sensitive information is shared

Time Tracking: ACOP-386

Zoom: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting







Cognos CoP Meetings are Recorded


Updating Cognos to 12.0.4 IF2

Due to a critical vulnerability that has been identified in our current version of Cognos we are updating Cognos to 12.0.4 IF2.  This will be a minor update to IF2 but will required down times as we update each environment.  IF2 has been tested on the Cognos sandbox and Cognos DEV where we have not seen any impact to reports, which is expected.

 Cognos QA will be updated tonight, Friday, February 21 from 5pm-8pm.

Cognos Prod will be updated, Monday, March 3 from 5pm-10pm.

Eva - CS2404274

drill-thru issue troubleshooting

If you are setting a field to null you may accidentally be passing a null. Try adding a 2nd version of the field w/out the null in order to pass the raw field.

Try adding the filter values to the target report to see exactly what Cognos is passing.


How can you force a customer to pick one or the other? - Can have customer pre-select which prompt they are going to use. See DOPE report as example.

How can you force a customer to move the selected value to the right? - Taking recommendations, currently adding a different color text is an option but not a guarantee.


How do you add a count?

  1. Add a unique field per row (ie. Student PID, Employee ID)

  2. Select the unique field

  3. From the icon menu, select

Tiffany / Kacy



Why is a year not showing?

Cognos won’t show a year that has no values. If your filters remove all values from the







Cognos CoP Meetings are Recorded

Cognos 12 Upgrade

Cognos 12.0.4 - Jan 10 to Jan 31, 2025

Feedback can be emailed to busintel@ucsd.edu

Cognos Migrations

Migrations are completed at the folder level

Cognos data connection policy

Interim Solution - Adding Data to Cognos or Tableau

In Cognos DEV - Can be set up between your -DEV, -QA and your -Prod servers

In Cognos QA - Can be set up between your -QA our -Prod server, should be -Prod server most of the time

In Cognos PROD - Always set up only for your -Prod server

Cognos COP Questions


  1. Where can I find the data for unsubmitted (draft form) UCPath SCTs and Direct Retros? I was hoping there is someplace I can go to see all the SCTs that have been created but not submitted. So far my report only shows the pending ones. = Routing to David Mandell

  2. I need help inserting a column with data from an excel into my cognos crosstab. We discussed how to do this during last Cognos COP, but were unable to successfully demo it on the call.

  3. I need help with the logic for a join. I want to join a table with data from EAH and FinAH with the pay run code on EAH and original transaction reference on FinAH as the join. I was unsuccessful and wanted to troubleshoot why. = Subtotal/Total fields created by Cognos for the display fields were interfering with the join results b/c they were brought into the joined query.

Best Practice

  • Add your subtotal/totals for display last

  • Create a subquery of your query so you have two queries for your two different display options

Query Calculation Null

Why can’t you add a null field to a crosstab

Next Time

Add Excel budget to FIN crosstab.

  • Add Excel to Cognos

  • Add Excel to Data module

  • Join Excel w/ Data

  • Add Budget field to crosstab


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