FACAH-Enhancement = new fields, calculations, filters to EAH or any views
FACAH-Incident = a bug found in EAH
FACAH-ColumnGroupRequest = enhancement affects column groups
FACAH-FutureRelease = no UAT date has been set yet
BIA-DevelopmentApproved = enhancement has been reviewed and approved for addition to EAH
FACAH-NoTableauCognosUpdate = enhancement will happen in the views, transparent to users
BIA-ViewDevelopment = work is being done at the view level
BIA-MDM = names and definitions are being defined
BIA-CognosModeling = work is being done in the Cognos level
BIA-TableauModeling = work is being done in the Tableau level
BIA-Validation = BIA is validating that Cognos and Tableau match
BIA-ReleaseNotes = enhancement needs to be added to release notes notification
BIA-ReadyForRelease = item is ready to move to UAT or Production
FACAH-UAT-YYYY-MonthDate = item is schedule to be release to User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on MonthDate