What you need to know

What you need to know

The ITS instance of Confluence (collab.ucsd.edu) has been migrated to the Cloud version. If you have made any edits in collab after Friday evening, they will not be in the new site and will have to be re-entered.

Log into the new version at https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net and enter your email in the first box where you will be directed through SSO:

All page links (URLs) will change

Unfortunately, the URLs in the Cloud instance are different. We will be able to redirect collab.ucsd.edu to the home page of the new version but the entire link structure of individual spaces and pages is different.

Internal links (from one collab page to another) will not break but anything from outside collab will need to be updated. We apologize for this inconvenience.

If you have collab links in Blink or a CMS site, we can help you find links and update them. Here's an example of the difference in link addresses:

  • Current link: "https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SNOW/User+Manual"
  • New link: "https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SPACEID/pages/PAGENUMBER/User+Manual"

User interface updates

Atlassian no longer updates the current version of Confluence and has been focused on improving in the Cloud version. Here are some highlights:

Home page

  •  Discover is on the overview page is now called "Discover what's happening" and allow toggles between things you're following and popular pages

  • My Work is now located under "Recent" and contains additional toggles.

  • Saved for later is now called "Starred".

  • Drafts have been moved from the menu to the main page.


Space administration

Space tools has moved to the top of the left navigation and is now called Space Settings




Cloud doesn’t support user macros. Some macros were also excluded to improve performance others have alternative methods of using the macros.


Confluence Team Calendars are no longer supported with our licensing tier.  To insert an O365 or Google calendar, go the page and insert an iframe macro. Insert the html code for the calendar you wish to embed there. For o365, you can get the code by going to OWA > settings > calendar > shared calendars

Learn more about editing

Limits on storage and site maintenance

With the move to Cloud, we have an overall storage limit for the entire instance. In order to stay under the limit, we will be limiting the file limit size and asking content owners to not upload video files. Zoom recordings are automatically uploaded to UCSD's media server so there is no need to store them in collab. 

We will disable user accounts for users who haven't logged in within the past 2 years and start archiving spaces for staff who are no longer at UCSD or for projects that have been completed. 

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