OTL Management - Monitor
Update all of these queries to reference your project (put "project = xyz AND " or "filter = 16632 AND " at the beginning of the JQL), then delete this info section. Best practice, review these queries and correct the data on at least a weekly basis. You can also save queries as favorites and subscribe.
If you are managing many Jira projects within a program and single collab page, such as an ESR project, creating a filter to reference all related work you need to monitor is most expedient and allows you to update a single filter if you need to add/remove a Jira project. For example, https://its-pro.ucsd.edu/issues/?filter=16632
*Created Recently Not By Me
Update all of these queries to reference your project or filter of projects, then delete this info section.
This query shows all issue types, except bugs, that have been created in your project within the past week. This is useful to ensure that any new issues are associated with the correct epic, in the correct project, etc., because that meta data is not visible in the emailed notification when they are created.
type != bug AND created >= -7d AND creator != currentUser() ORDER BY createdDate DESC, project ASC, "epic link" ASC, creator ASC
EXC: Overdue
Update all of these queries to reference your project or filter of projects, then delete this info section.
This query shows all issues that are overdue and need an updated date.
resolution = unresolved AND duedate <= endOfDay() ORDER BY project, assignee, duedate ASC
EXC: Clean up estimates
EXC: Epic should be closed
EXC: Open tasks on closed epics
EXC: Open tasks associated with "Won't Do" or "Duplicate" epics
EXC: No Parent Link