Award Kuali Data Package - Tips & Tricks

Award Kuali Data Package - Tips & Tricks

This page contains random tips and tricks that are brought up by the Research Analytics Community of Practice.  Feel free to add to this page or bring up new topics in the Research COP meetings.

Tier 3 Transactions


Award Version Status in Active (for most recent), Archive (for Coeus)

Legacy Tier Indicator in '-', Tier 3 (so you only get transactions).  Kuali records will be '-' and Coeus

Legacy Pending Transaction <> 'Y'

Award OP Reporting Date = the date of processing in Kuali


Award Obligated Direct Cost

Award Obligated Indirect Cost

Award Obligated Total Cost

Data Quality Issues:

Many fields are manually entered into Kuali.  If there is a change in spelling then the reporting tool will see the various data at a new row of data.  The following fields are often affected:

  • Award Title

Include the following fields in your report:  Award Number Base.


How do I know if the Award is impacted by COVID-19?

IP or Award with Keyword like %Covid%. 

Were they de-obligated, terminated, date extended?  Look at the transaction details of that Award from Kuali.

What's not in Kuali yet?

Un-funded agreements (CDAs, NDAs, MTAs) are slated to be added to Kuali in 20202.

Business Contracting is in discussion for addition to Kuali.

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