RAH Quick Start Guides

RAH Quick Start Guides

Getting Started

Have a field name but not sure what view to look in?  Search the Activity Hub Field List.

Data is loaded each night.  To see when the data completed being loaded use this report: Tableau > Public > AH Data Load Status Report. (You must be registered with DUO to connect)

RAH Basics

  • Some Agency (Names) will show null even though Agency Codes are present:

    • PD Rems Sponsor Agency

    • IP REMS Sponsor Agency

    • Award REMS Sponsor Agency

    • IP REMS Prime Sponsor Agency

    • Award Prime Sponsor REMS Sponsor Agency

  • Per UCOP “Not ALL sponsor codes will have these selected – we update legacy codes as we interact with them."

  • Principal Investigators (PI) - The person leading the research project.  Usually faculty member or academic leader.




Proposal Development (PD) → Institutional Proposal (IP) → Award

  • PD records can not be changed after they are submitted

  • 1 PD record has 0 or 1 IP record

    • Generally speaking, a Proposal Development (PD) record gets assigned an Institutional Proposal (IP) # once it is approved and submitted to sponsor. There are several cases why a PD record does not have an IP record, but most cases are PDs that haven't been Approved and Submitted to the sponsor yet. Also, PD numbers started being issued around 2016, so IPs prior to 2016 are likely without a PD number.

  • 1 IP record can have 1 or more PD record

  • 1 IP record can have 0, 1 or more Awards

  • 1 Award can have 0, 1 or more IP record

Data Loads

Data is loaded each night.  To see when the data completed being loaded by UCSD into RAH see this report: Tableau > Public > AH Data Load Status Report.

Find the View You Need

In general, use the summary view and move to the detail view if needed.

View Name aka

Tableau Data Source / Cognos Package

Use this view when...

View Name aka

Tableau Data Source / Cognos Package

Use this view when...


You are looking for Award information and one row per Award.


You are looking for Award information, including attributes that will display multiple values per award.  IE:  Award Key Person


You are looking for IP information and one row per IP.


You are looking for IP information, including attributes that will display multiple values per award.  IE:  IP Key Person


You are looking for PD information and one row per PD.


You are looking for PD information, including attributes that will display multiple values per award.  IE:  PD Key Person


You are looking for Subaward information and one row per Subaward.


You are looking for Subaward information, including attributes that will display multiple values per award.  

Research Administration - Developer Package - Award - KUALI

Retired February 2022.

Research Administration - Developer Package - IP- KUALI

Retired February 2022.

Research Administration - Developer Package - PD - KUALI

Retired February 2022.


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