EAH Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

Have a field name but not sure what view to look in?  Search the Activity Hub Field List.

EAH Basics

  • UCPath data is sent from UCOP to UCSD on a nightly basis.  EAH-Workforce-View is the first view to run and therefore will be the first available.

  • Current = reflects the value as of today/last data load
  • AsOf = aka History, reflects the value as of a date depending on the Data Source View,  field, and desired outcome.
  • Identity fields come from internal UCSD identity systems, not UCPath
  • Student employees can be identified by using the Employee Class field.

CCOA = Common Chart of Accounts

UCPath and Oracle maintain separate Common Charts of Accounts.  EAH provides the CCOA values from the sources indicated below, as requested by the report developer community.  You can find these field in the Labor Ledger views and Position Funding view.

CCOA EntityUCPath
CCOA FunctUCPath
CCOA ProgramUCPath
CCOA LocationUCPath
CCOA ActivityUCPath

Data Loads

UCPath data is sent from UCOP to UCSD on a nightly basis.  To see when the data completed being loaded by UCSD into EAH see this report: Tableau > Public > AH Data Load Status Report

Find the View You Need

View Name aka

Cognos/Tableau Data Source View

Use this view when you are looking for...

+Includes Demographics Fields

Narrow or Wide?Current and/or AsOf?View Protection LevelIncludes row-level security?
EAH-AbsenceDetail-ViewEmployee absence activtiy and balances by absence typeEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-AccrualHours-ViewEmployee accrual eligible hours by month for Leave, FMLA, Sabbatical and Benefits EligibilityEmployeeDemographicsNarrow
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-AddlPayDetail-ViewPlanned one-time or recurring pay for additional work or bonus pay.NoNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security

P3No row level security

P3No row level security

P3No row level security

P3No row level security
EAH-BenefitBillingEnrollment-ViewThe Benefits Billing module allows for a company to charge the employee or dependent for benefits and track payment collection outside of payroll deduction.EmployeeDemographicsBothCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitDisabilityDetail-ViewEmployee basic, short term, long term, and supplemental  disability benefit plan enrollmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitFSADetail-ViewEmployee FSA / HSA benefit plan enrollments and YTD balance trackingEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitHealthDetail-ViewEmployee Medical, Dental, Vision, Legal Services, Wellness, Behavioral, Prescription plan enrollmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security


Employee Life, Supplemental Life, AD & D, Dependent life plan enrollmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitRetireDetail-ViewEmployee UC Retirement plan enrollmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitSavingsDetail-ViewEmployee 403(b) and 457(b) plan enrollmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-BenefitSavingsExtension-ViewEmployee savings plan balances and limits.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-Benefits-ViewEmployee current benefit enrollmentsNoWide
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-CertificationActivities-ViewTracking employee patent amendment form completion.EmployeeDemographicsNarrow
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-Compensation-ViewComponents of an employee's base pay. This is a child of the JOB record.NoNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-Contract-ViewEmployee contract pay information.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-DeductionBalance-ViewYTD, QTD and MTD payroll deduction balances by employee, calendar and fiscal year.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-Degree-ViewEmployee profile degree information.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-DepartmentHierarchy-ViewHierarchy of Department Levels.NoNarrow
P3No row level security.
EAH-EarningsBalance-ViewYTD, QTD and MTD payroll earnings balances by employee, calendar and fiscal year.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-EmergencyContact-ViewEmployee emergency contact information.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security


Employee current demographics informationEmployeeDemographicsNarrow
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-ExtendedAbsence-ViewEmployee extended absence types and dates.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3No row level security.
EAH-GeneralDeductionDetail-ViewPlanned one-time or recurring additional paycheck deductions beyond core benefits.NoNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-IdentityDemographics-ViewEmployee Identity Information.  *For data integration.NoNarrow
P3No row level security.
EAH-JobCodeSalaryPlan-ViewJobcode and Related Salry Plan, Grade and Step attribues. No employee Data.NoWide
P3No row level security.
EAH-JobEarnsDist-ViewOptional overrides to employee default payroll earnings and position distributions.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-License-ViewEmployee profile license information.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-LLActualDetail-ViewAll detailed actual transactions (Expenses & Liabilities) that were associated with Deductions in the Composite Benefit Rate. Details will not include an FAU.LLEmployeeDemoNarrow
EAH-LLDeductionDetail-ViewAll detailed Liability transactions excluding any actual benefit liabilities built into the CBR. All details stored at the FAU level.LLEmployeeDemoNarrow
EAH-LLFringeDetail-ViewAll detailed Employer Contribution expense transactions excluding any Actual Benefit expenses built into the CBR. All details stored at the detailed FAU level.LLEmployeeDemoNarrowCurrentP3No row level security.
EAH-LLSalaryDetail-ViewAll Salary Expenses for a particular Employee at the most granular FAU level.LLEmployeeDemoNarrowCurrentP3No row level security.
EAH-LLSalaryFringeDetail-ViewCombined LLFringe and LL SalaryLLEmployeeDemoNarrowCurrentP3No row level security.
EAH-LLSummary-ViewContents of Labor Ledger Summary table.NoNarrow
P3No row level security.
EAH-PayCalendar-ViewPay Calendar Information for Employees.NoNarrow
P3No row level security.

P3No row level security.

Current & AsOfP3No row level security.
EAH-PayrollDeductionDetail-ViewPayroll Deduction Information for Employees.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-PayrollEarningsDetail-ViewPayroll Earnings Information for Employees.EmployeeDemographicsNarrow Current & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security

P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security


P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-PayrollTaxDetail-ViewPayroll Tax Detail Information for Employees.EmployeeDemographicsNarrow 
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-Payroll-ViewEmployee paycheck information and related federal and state tax withholding attributes.NoWide
P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-PersonTraining-ViewEmployee training dataEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrentP3No row level security.

P3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-PositionBudgetDistribution-ViewThis view uses the UCPath Budget Distribution page which displays all UCSD staff and is where permanent staffing will be managed going forward.No
CurrentP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security


Planned position funding distribution.

*Does not contain Active Contingent Workers, Active ‘Without Salary’ employees, or Active paid employees with positions where UCSD has not entered position funding

EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3No row level security.

P3No row level security.
EAH-Position-ViewPosition attributesNoWideCurrent & AsOfP3No row level security.

EAH-Tax1042Balance-ViewYTD, QTD and MTD payroll 1042 reportable witholding tax balances by employee, calendar and fiscal year.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-TaxBalance-ViewYTD, QTD and MTD payroll tax balances by employee, calendar and fiscal year. EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security

Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-UCRoleDepartmentDetailUser Security by DepartmentsEmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-UCRole-ViewUser security roles and related UC attributes.EmployeeDemographicsNarrowCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security


Employee job, position, salary information and benefits eligibility.  Row level security limits what the user sees to only the department they have been approve to see.

*Includes all employee types

EmployeeDemographicsWideCurrent & AsOfP3Yes - Includes Row Level Security
EAH-WorkforceAllRows-ViewEmployee job, position, salary information and benefits eligibility.  Shows all departments and should be used for report development or testing prior to reporting a report to EAH-Workforce-View.  All fields and folders are named the same as EAH-Workforce-view.EmployeeDemographicsWideCurrent & AsOfP3No row level security.


Employee job, position, salary information and benefits eligibility including P4 demographic information.EmployeeDemographicsWideCurrent & AsOfP4No row level security.
EAH-WorkforceRestrictedPer Month-ViewEmployee job, position, salary information and benefits eligibility including P4 demographic information.EmployeeDemographicsWideCurrent & AsOfP4No row level security.
EAH-WorkforceRestrictedPerMonthSnap-ViewEmployee job, position, salary information and benefits eligibility including P4 demographic information.EmployeeDemographicsWideCurrent & AsOfP4No row level security.