202308 FACAH Initial Release Notes

Hello FACAH Developers - The below fields are now available for you in Hana QA.  If you find an issue, please email busintel@ucsd.edu prior to end of day Wednesday, September 13 so we can address it before the Thursday migration to Production.

Table of Contents

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

Thank You FACAH Project Team!

Special thanks to those involved in the initial release. 

  • Kate Balderston

  • Andy Beecham

  • Kirk Belles

  • Patty Camacho

  • Tara Cameron

  • Vasavi Duvvur

  • Eliud Escobedo

  • Adrienne Gallo

  • Simon Griffith

  • Amy Long

  • Vladimir Orlic

  • Mindy Peng

  • Shan Poon

  • Terry Raitt

  • Dejan Ristic

  • Judy White

New View: FACAH-PersonLocation-View

BIA, in conjunction with the Facilities Activity Hub project team, is excited to release the FACAH-PersonLocation-View.  This new view is a combination of elements from EAH-Workforce-View and Space details.  This view can be used to identify a person's primary, one secondary and check-in locations.

Epic:   FACAHCORE-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Fields unique to this view

AB119 Building

AB119 Building Address

AB119 Building City

AB119 Building Classification

AB119 Building EFA Address

AB119 Building ID

AB119 Building Life Cycle Stage

AB119 Building Postal Code

AB119 Building State

AB119 Building Status

AB119 Floor

AB119 Floor Code

AB119 Floor ID

AB119 Floor Level

AB119 Floor Status

AB119 Space ID

AB119 Space Location Path

AB119 Space Number

AB119 Space Status

AB119 Space Type

AB119 Work Location Remote

AB119 Work Location Reported Space

AB119 Work Location Space Location Path

AB119 Work Location Update Date

AB119 Work Location Update DateTime

AB119 Work Location Update Time

Business Unit Manager Associate Role Org Count

Business Unit Manager Associate Role Org ID and Name

Business Unit Manager Role Org Count

Business Unit Manager Role Org ID and Name

Check In Building

Check In Building Address

Check In Building Alias All

Check In Building Alias Concat All

Check In Building Alias EFA

Check In Building Alias GIS

Check In Building Alias Legal

Check In Building Alias Official

Check In Building Alias One

Check In Building Alias Short

Check In Building Alias TMS

Check In Building Capital Asset Account Number

Check In Building City

Check In Building Classification

Check In Building Condition Manager Employee ID

Check In Building Condition Manager Name Full

Check In Building Condition Manager Work Email Address

Check In Building Condition Manager Work Phone Number

Check In Building Description

Check In Building EFA Address

Check In Building EFA City

Check In Building EFA Country

Check In Building EFA County

Check In Building EFA Postal Code

Check In Building EFA State

Check In Building Emergency Contact Employee ID

Check In Building Emergency Contact Name Full

Check In Building Emergency Contact Work Email Address

Check In Building Emergency Contact Work Phone Number

Check In Building ID

Check In Building Life Cycle Stage

Check In Building Location Path

Check In Building Name Full

Check In Building Name Short

Check In Building Postal Code

Check In Building State

Check In Building Status

Check In Campus

Check In Campus ID

Check In Campus Location Path

Check In Floor

Check In Floor Code

Check In Floor ID

Check In Floor Level

Check In Floor Location Path

Check In Floor Status

Check In Neighborhood

Check In Neighborhood ID

Check In Neighborhood Location Path

Check In Space

Check In Space Assignable Count

Check In Space Assignable Flag

Check In Space Classification

Check In Space Classification Code

Check In Space Cluster Allocations

Check In Space Covered Unenclosed Count

Check In Space Covered Unenclosed Flag

Check In Space Department Allocations

Check In Space ID

Check In Space Last Updated By

Check In Space Last Updated DateTime

Check In Space Location Path

Check In Space Name Common

Check In Space Name Full

Check In Space Non Assignable Count

Check In Space Non Assignable Flag

Check In Space Notes

Check In Space Occupancy Status

Check In Space Primary Location Headcount

Check In Space Remaining Seat Vacancy

Check In Space Reservable Count

Check In Space Reservable Flag

Check In Space Sq Ft

Check In Space Status

Check In Space Total Shared Capacity

Check In Space Type

Check In Space UCOP Classification Code

Check In Space Workpoint Capacity

Check In Space Workpoint Count

Check In Space Workpoint Flag

On Site Friday Count

On Site Friday Flag

On Site Monday Count

On Site Monday Flag

On Site Saturday Count

On Site Saturday Flag

On Site Sunday Count

On Site Sunday Flag

On Site Thursday Count

On Site Thursday Flag

On Site Tuesday Count

On Site Tuesday Flag

On Site Wednesday Count

On Site Wednesday Flag

Primary Building

Primary Building Address

Primary Building Alias All

Primary Building Alias Concat All

Primary Building Alias EFA

Primary Building Alias GIS

Primary Building Alias Legal

Primary Building Alias Official

Primary Building Alias One

Primary Building Alias Short

Primary Building Alias TMS

Primary Building Capital Asset Account Number

Primary Building City

Primary Building Classification

Primary Building Condition Manager Employee ID

Primary Building Condition Manager Name Full

Primary Building Condition Manager Work Email Address

Primary Building Condition Manager Work Phone Number

Primary Building Description

Primary Building EFA Address

Primary Building EFA City

Primary Building EFA Country

Primary Building EFA County

Primary Building EFA Postal Code

Primary Building EFA State

Primary Building Emergency Contact Employee ID

Primary Building Emergency Contact Name Full

Primary Building Emergency Contact Work Email Address

Primary Building Emergency Contact Work Phone Number

Primary Building ID

Primary Building Life Cycle Stage

Primary Building Location Path

Primary Building Name Full

Primary Building Name Short

Primary Building Postal Code

Primary Building State

Primary Building Status

Primary Campus

Primary Campus ID

Primary Campus Location Path

Primary Floor

Primary Floor Code

Primary Floor ID

Primary Floor Level

Primary Floor Location Path

Primary Floor Status

Primary Neighborhood

Primary Neighborhood ID

Primary Neighborhood Location Path

Primary Space

Primary Space Assignable Count

Primary Space Assignable Flag

Primary Space Classification

Primary Space Classification Code

Primary Space Cluster Allocations

Primary Space Covered Unenclosed Count

Primary Space Covered Unenclosed Flag

Primary Space Department Allocations

Primary Space ID

Primary Space Last Updated By

Primary Space Last Updated DateTime

Primary Space Location Path

Primary Space Name Common

Primary Space Name Full

Primary Space Non Assignable Count

Primary Space Non Assignable Flag

Primary Space Notes

Primary Space Occupancy Status

Primary Space Primary Location Headcount

Primary Space Remaining Seat Vacancy

Primary Space Reservable Count

Primary Space Reservable Flag

Primary Space Sq Ft

Primary Space Status

Primary Space Total Shared Capacity

Primary Space Type

Primary Space UCOP Classification Code

Primary Space Workpoint Capacity

Primary Space Workpoint Count

Primary Space Workpoint Flag

Regular Schedule Count

Regular Schedule Flag

Secondary Building

Secondary Building Address

Secondary Building Alias All

Secondary Building Alias Concat All

Secondary Building Alias EFA

Secondary Building Alias GIS

Secondary Building Alias Legal

Secondary Building Alias Official

Secondary Building Alias One

Secondary Building Alias Short

Secondary Building Alias TMS

Secondary Building Capital Asset Account Number

Secondary Building City

Secondary Building Classification

Secondary Building Condition Manager Employee ID

Secondary Building Condition Manager Name Full

Secondary Building Condition Manager Work Email Address

Secondary Building Condition Manager Work Phone Number

Secondary Building Description

Secondary Building EFA Address

Secondary Building EFA City

Secondary Building EFA Country

Secondary Building EFA County

Secondary Building EFA Postal Code

Secondary Building EFA State

Secondary Building Emergency Contact Employee ID

Secondary Building Emergency Contact Name Full

Secondary Building Emergency Contact Work Email Address

Secondary Building Emergency Contact Work Phone Number

Secondary Building ID

Secondary Building Life Cycle Stage

Secondary Building Location Path

Secondary Building Name Full

Secondary Building Name Short

Secondary Building Postal Code

Secondary Building State

Secondary Building Status

Secondary Campus

Secondary Campus ID

Secondary Campus Location Path

Secondary Floor

Secondary Floor Code

Secondary Floor ID

Secondary Floor Level

Secondary Floor Location Path

Secondary Floor Status

Secondary Neighborhood

Secondary Neighborhood ID

Secondary Neighborhood Location Path

Secondary Space

Secondary Space Assignable Count

Secondary Space Assignable Flag

Secondary Space Classification

Secondary Space Classification Code

Secondary Space Cluster Allocations

Secondary Space Covered Unenclosed Count

Secondary Space Covered Unenclosed Flag

Secondary Space Department Allocations

Secondary Space ID

Secondary Space Last Updated By

Secondary Space Last Updated DateTime

Secondary Space Location Path

Secondary Space Name Common

Secondary Space Name Full

Secondary Space Non Assignable Count

Secondary Space Non Assignable Flag

Secondary Space Notes

Secondary Space Occupancy Status

Secondary Space Primary Location Headcount

Secondary Space Remaining Seat Vacancy

Secondary Space Reservable Count

Secondary Space Reservable Flag

Secondary Space Sq Ft

Secondary Space Status

Secondary Space Total Shared Capacity

Secondary Space Type

Secondary Space UCOP Classification Code

Secondary Space Workpoint Capacity

Secondary Space Workpoint Count

Secondary Space Workpoint Flag

Space Manager Associate Role Org Count

Space Manager Associate Role Org ID and Name

Space Manager Role Org Count

Space Manager Role Org ID and Name

Space Person Classification

Space Person Employee Status

Space Person First Name

Space Person HR Status Primary Position Department

Space Person ID

Space Person Last Name

Space Person Middle Name

Space Person Name Full

Space Person Student Status

Space Work Arrangement Selection

Space Work Arrangement Selection Code

UCPath Cubicle

UCPath Location Code

Variable Schedule Count

Variable Schedule Flag

New View: FACAH-Space-View

BIA, in conjunction with the Facilities Activity Hub project team, is excited to release the FACAH-Spaces-View.   This view can be used to identify the details of a Space.

Epic:   FACAHCORE-67 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Fields unique to this view


Building Address

Building Alias All

Building Alias Concat All

Building Alias EFA

Building Alias GIS

Building Alias Legal

Building Alias Official

Building Alias One

Building Alias Short

Building Alias TMS

Building Capital Asset Account Number

Building City

Building Classification

Building Condition Manager Employee ID

Building Condition Manager Name Full

Building Condition Manager Work Email Address

Building Condition Manager Work Phone Number

Building Description

Building EFA Address

Building EFA City

Building EFA Country

Building EFA County

Building EFA Postal Code

Building EFA State

Building Emergency Contact Employee ID

Building Emergency Contact Name Full

Building Emergency Contact Work Email Address

Building Emergency Contact Work Phone Number

Building ID

Building Life Cycle Stage

Building Location Path

Building Name Full

Building Name Short

Building Postal Code

Building State

Building Status


Campus ID

Campus Location Path


Floor Code

Floor ID

Floor Level

Floor Location Path

Floor Status


Neighborhood ID

Neighborhood Location Path


Space Assignable Count

Space Assignable Flag

Space Assignable Status

Space Classification

Space Classification Code

Space Cluster Allocations

Space Covered Unenclosed Count

Space Covered Unenclosed Flag

Space Department Allocations

Space ID

Space Last Updated By

Space Last Updated DateTime

Space Location Path

Space Name Common

Space Name Full

Space Non Assignable Count

Space Non Assignable Flag

Space Notes

Space Occupancy Status

Space Occupant Count

Space Primary Location Headcount

Space Remaining Seat Vacancy

Space Reservable Count

Space Reservable Flag

Space Sq Ft

Space Status

Space Total Shared Capacity

Space Type

Space UCOP Classification Code

Space Workpoint Capacity

Space Workpoint Count

Space Workpoint Flag

New View: FACAH-SpaceAllocationDetails-View

BIA, in conjunction with the Facilities Activity Hub project team, is excited to release the FACAH-SpaceAllocationDetails-View.   This view is a combination of FACAH-PersonLocation-View, FACAH-Space-View and Allocation information for Departments and Clusters. 

This is an advanced view, requiring in-dept knowledge of the Tririga data structure and allocations in order to create accurate reports.

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Fields unique to this view:


Cluster Allocation Last Updated DateTime

Cluster ID

Cluster Last Updated DateTime

Cluster Org Path

Cluster ProRated Area Allocated Percent

Cluster ProRated Area Allocated Sq Ft

Cluster Responsible Person Employee ID

Cluster Responsible Person ID

Cluster Responsible Person Name Full

Cluster Responsible Person Work Email Address

Cluster Responsible Person Work Phone Number

Cluster Responsible Space Department

Cluster Short Name

Cluster Status

Graduate Student Role Person Count

Graduate Student Role Person ID and Name

Space Allocation Occupant Type

Space Department

Space Department Allocation Last Updated DateTime

Space Department Capacity UCOP Stations Count

Space Department ID

Space Department Official Name Full

Space Department Org Path

Space Department ProRated Area Allocated Percent

Space Department ProRated Area Allocated Sq Ft

Space Department ProRated Area Override Count

Space Department ProRated Area Override Flag

Space Department Short Name Full

Space Occupant Sq Ft

Space Person Location Assignment

Customer Service Reminder

Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly.  For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT.  If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.

A duty cycle has been implemented for Hana QA.  During this time, Hana QA will not be available.  Please schedule your UAT work around this duty cycle.

  • Hana QA will not be available from 7pm-5am nightly
  • Hana QA will not be available Saturday and Sunday
  • Data loads will occur from 5am-10am on weekdays

Follow our Enhancement Testing Steps

Use this UAT time to adjust your reports as needed prior to the Production release where your customers will be able to see any issues these enhancements cause. 
  • Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Student Activity Hub > Student Activity Hub Packages UAT to build your report and select Hana QA.  Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail.  Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data. 
  • Tableau: Sign into Tableau on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report.  Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
  • Hana QA:  SAH data in Hana QA is production data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.

If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:

  • What browser are you using?
  • What environment are you using?  Cognos DEV, QA or PROD?  Or Tableau?
  • What data source / package are you using?
  • What results were you expecting?Â