Tableau Upgrade to 2023.1.9 - Complete

Tableau Upgrade to 2023.1.9 - Complete


BIA, with the help of Salesforce Tableau and ITS has resolved the identified Tableau QA issues. Please continue your testing and let us know if you see any new issues.

Friday, April 26 at noon will be the next Go / No Go decision. If no new issues have been reported then we will upgrade Tableau Prod and Tableau Public on Saturday, April 27.

Thank you!

Tableau Upgrade Plan

We are pleased to announce a plan to move to Tableau 2023.1.9! You can find information on what’s new in this and previously released upgrades here:

https://www.tableau.com/support/releases > 2023.1

We will follow our upgrade procedure listed below.

All upgrades for Tableau Server occur in place. At a high level, the strategy for all upgrades is:

  1. ITS-BIA will review the upgrade in our sandbox prior to planning an upgrade of UCSD Tableau Prod.

  2. Those with Tableau desktop can now upgrade to Tableau 2023.1.9

    1. You will need your product key and this installation guide: http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/desktopdeploy/en-us/desktop_deploy_download_and_install.htm

    2. You will need the most recent stable version of Tableau: https://www.tableau.com/support/releases

  3. Allow two weeks for review of the upgrade in the Tableau Sandbox environment

    1. At the end of the week a GO/NO GO determination will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to the PROD environment over the weekend.

    3. NO GO – the upgrade is postponed until the issues are resolved.

Tableau Upgrade Dates

Given that strategy, the plan for the upgrade from 2021.1.6 (current) to Tableau 2023.1.9 is as follows:

  1. Monday, March 6, 2024

    1. Due to issues with the upgrade on the sandbox this date has been moved from Feb 29 to Mar 6.

    2. Tableau sandbox will be upgraded to 2023.1.9. ITS-BIA will test objects and functionality.

  2. Thursday, March 21, 2024

    1. A copy of the Tableau Prod content will be saved to Tableau QA. This will be ensure report developers can test against current workbooks.

    2. ITS-BIA will review the upgrade in Tableau QA where the 2023.1.9 upgrade has already been installed.

  3. Friday, March 22, 2024

    1. Tableau QA = https://tab-dev01.ucsd.edu

    2. All workbook development teams to begin reviewing content in Tableau QA and test for issues related to the upgrade.

    3. Any issues are to be reported by sending an email to busintel@ucsd.edu with subject line "Tableau upgrade issue".

    4. If an issue is deemed critical, the upgrade of Tableau Prod will be postponed until the issue is resolved.

  4. Friday, April 5, 2024 - No Go - Tableau Developer UAT on Hold

    1. Issues related to publishing and SSO have been discovered.

    2. BIA will work with ITS and Tableau to determine the cause and implement a solution.

  5. Tuesday, April 11, 2024 - UAT continues with Tableau Developers

    1. Tableau QA = https://tab-dev01.ucsd.edu

    2. All workbook development teams to begin reviewing content in Tableau QA and test for issues related to the upgrade.

    3. Any issues are to be reported by sending an email to busintel@ucsd.edu with subject line "Tableau upgrade issue".

    4. If an issue is deemed critical, the upgrade of Tableau Prod will be postponed until the issue is resolved.

  6. Friday, April 26, 2024

    1. GO/NO GO determination for PROD upgrade will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to PROD over the weekend.

    3. This will be the determination if no new issue(s) are found in the upgraded version or if any new issue noted is deemed insignificant enough to move forward.

  7. Saturday, April 27, 2024

    1. Tableau Prod and Tableau Public will be upgraded.


  • Test your most popular workbooks that include Activity Hub data by logging into Tableau QA and interacting with your workbook like your customers would.

  • Firewalls between Tableau QA and non-Hana servers are still up, Tableau workbooks connected to your live departmental servers will not work.

  • Your Tableau desktop must match the Tableau Server you are publishing to. Do not upgrade your Tableau desktop to 2023.1.x until after the upgrade is complete if you want to continue to publish to Tableau Prod during Tableau QA testing.

Tableau Upgrade Calendar















Mar 10

Mar 11

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 12

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 13

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 14

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 15

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 16

Mar 17

Mar 18

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 19

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 20

BIA testing on Tableau QA

Mar 21

Copy of Tableau Prod added to Tableau QA

Mar 22

UAT Starts: Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

Mar 23

Mar 24

Mar 25

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

Mar 26

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

Mar 27

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

Mar 28

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

Mar 29

UCSD Holiday

Mar 30

Mar 31

April 1

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 2

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 3

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 4

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 5

12pm noon: No Go Decision

April 6


April 7

April 8

BIA testing on Tableau QA

April 9

BIA testing on Tableau QA

April 10

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 11

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 12

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 13

April 14

April 15

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 16

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 17

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 18

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 19

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 20

April 21

April 22

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 23

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 24

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 25

Workbook developers test in Tableau QA

April 26

12pm noon: Go / No Go Decision

April 27

Upgrade Tableau Prod and Tableau Public

Tableau Deprecations With 2023.1

Select Web Connectors

Starting in Tableau 2023.1, the Web Data Connector and other WDC-based connectors, indicated below, are marked deprecated:

  • Anaplan

  • Intuit QuickBooks Online

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • Marketo

  • Oracle Eloqua

  • ServiceNow ITSM

  • Web Data Connector

ITS BIA has found that third party Tableau-compatible web connectors do not meet UCSD network security policies and thus we do not support third party web connectors within our Tableau environments.

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