RAH Potential Data Sources

RAH Potential Data Sources

This page is data sources that could potentially be added to the Research Activity Hub.

See Long Term Solution - Adding Data to Activity Hub for more details on how to officially request that your data source be added to an Activity Hub.

If approved, your data source will be added to the Activity Hub Roadmap and this page will be updated.

Being listed on this page does NOT mean the data source has officially be requested to be added to an Activity Hub.

CountNameContainsWho:AH Status
1Coeus - Award module of Coeus


Added to RAH
2Kuali - Researchawards
Added to RAH
3ePD module of Coeusproposals before they are submitted
Added to RAH
4IP module of Coeus

Institute Proposals

proposals once they have been submitted

Added to RAH

Document process flow, Document repository

Health Science currently using Tableau to point at OnBase

6NIH Training Grant Tables

NIH Data Tables - https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/data-tables.htm


Business: Natalie Noles

SME:  Jill Weller from Health Sciences Research Core

7IRIS - Institute for Research on Innovation & Science


IRIS provides member institutions with university-specific reports based on their data, highlighting the impacts of their research efforts and investments.

IRIS creates a secure data enclave for the research community by collecting, integrating, warehousing, and making large-scale data accessible to researchers.


Kuali - Conflict of Interest (COI)


Added to COMPAH
9Kuali - IRBNOT Institutional Review Board (IRB)

10Kuali - Negotiation Moduleaward negotiation - July 1, 2020 increased use in KualiMichelle Madey,
11CC PeopleCancer Center Research - database of researchers who work with cancer researchLynn Laumann, Linda Chalmers
12two legacy databases for VCR COI: PHS (SQL) and COI Access Db (MS Access). 

Needed to provide COI reporting for 20+ years

Would like to have all COI information in one place for all historical reporting

Harrison has created a Cognos data module to support this for the short term.

Harrison WattsAvailable in Cognos via data module - not requested for AH
13Kauli - Sub-Awards

Added to RAH
14UCOP Ecerthttps://blink.ucsd.edu/finance/awards/effort/ECERT/index.htmlLindsay Root
15Kuali Build Form - PI Exceptions
Shan Poon