UCPath for Graduate Student Employment: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked, curated, summarized, and presented here for your perusal.
Q: Were my current positions converted from PPS into UCPath?
A: Yes! All of the active appointments in PPS at the time of conversion (should we start calling this BC "before conversion"?) made their way into UCPath. A Position Number was assigned to each Appointment/Distribution combination.
Q: Is there any restriction on creating a larger number of positions that what we would actually fill?
A: Not technically. However, you may want to discuss with your Student Affairs Managers and/or MSOs because Positions marked "Add to Budgeted Positions" will be reflected in certain reports. Creating a large quantity of Positions, might inflate those figures.
Funding/Chart Strings
Q: Can fund managers see who is funded on their chart strings, specifically in Positions that are not in their department?
A: At this time, no. Fund managers will need to reference the DOPES when they become available.
Paycheck Summary View
Q: I used to have access to IDCS in PPS, can I see my students' paycheck summaries in UCPath?
A: At this time, only central offices have been provisioned to view this information. You may submit a request to the UCPath team to request access to this screen. Best bet here, be really specific about what you need and explain why.
Service Now: Home > Payroll Academic Personnel and HR Request Catalog > Access Requests or https://support.ucsd.edu/path?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=c017e8d8dbd01450dbd6f2b6af9619bb
Student Visa Changes
Q: Where/how can we update visa information for a student if their status changes?
A: Department coordinator can no longer make updates. Refer your student to Glacier.
Q: If a student appointment ends, and we want to terminate, should the VOLUNTARY or INVOLUNTARY termination template be used?
A: For student appointment expirations, use INVOLUNTARY termination template; reason should be ACE – Appointment Expiration. Upside: you do not need to process final pay in these situations.
Q: If a student is on a leave and we need to terminate them, do we have to bring them back from leave and then terminate?
A: No, you do not need to bring someone back from leave in order to process a termination; just terminate.