Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA)

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA)

About the Award

The Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship Program provides opportunities for doctoral students to engage in dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. The program is designed to contribute to the development and improvement of the study of modern foreign languages and area studies in the United States, and provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students to conduct research in other countries in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months.

Click here to see the DDRA press kit published by the Department of Education.

Click here to see the Award Information (including estimated available funds, average size of award, estimated number of awards, and project period).

Click here to see eligibility information published by the Department of Education.

Agency URL: U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays--Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
Federal Register: Applications for New Awards; Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program

These links will are the primary and most current source of information, directly from the sponsoring agency, regarding agency deadlines*, eligibility, and application process.

*See also the Internal Deadlines section below to meet UCSD timelines for submission.





January 05, 2025

A pdf of finalized draft of individual student application prepared in the G5/G6 web application is due to GEPA: email with pdf attachment to ddra-pd@ucsd.edu. (Note: draft should be complete and ready to submit, but should not be submitted in G5/G6 until GEPA notifies applicant that the pdf draft is approved for submission.)

January 15, 2025

Combined institutional grant application submitted by the Project Director (GEPA) to OCGA for final review

January 29, 2025

Agency Deadline (final institutional grant application submitted by Project Director to the Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education)

A single Fulbright-Hays DDRA application must be submitted on behalf of the UC San Diego campus. To ensure the application is submitted on time, GEPA sets internal deadlines so that the Project Director and the Contracts and Grants Officer to review the individual student applications prior to both OCGA review deadlines and the agency submission deadline.

Delaying submission to accommodate one applicant who does not meet the internal deadline would jeopardize all of the other applicants. 

Kuali Record Required

GEPA will coordinate a single institutional Proposal Development record in Kuali Research, and will adhere to the proposal submission timelines (14/5/2) set by OCGA.  In order to meet these timelines, individual students must complete their applications in G5/G6 at least 14 days in advance of the agency deadline (see Internal Deadlines above).

Please review the application instructions and deadlines carefully, as they have recently been updated in light of the Department of Education having moved forward the Fulbright Hays DDRA institutional deadline.

Heads up: ”The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is building G6, a new and modernized grants management system for ED's grant community. As part of the upgrade, all current G5 functionalities are now accessed through this page. Improvements to various grant management functions will be rolled out as the project advances.” – you may see references to both G5 and G6 in the Agency’s documentation, but both refer to the same system.

Students will use the G5/G6 system to affiliate their individual application with UC San Diego, as well as prepare and finalize it for submission. Applicants must email ddra-pd@ucsd.edu at least three days prior to the first internal deadline listed above in order to obtain a unique link to a folder in which they will submit a pdf of their finalized draft for GEPA’s review. This draft must be submitted to the Google folder by the first internal deadline noted above. The Program Director will review applicants' draft proposals and notify the applicant when the proposal is approved for submission through G5/G6. Once the applicant submits their application through G5/G6, the applicant will be able to view and complete supplemental forms included as part of the application process. The Program Director compiles individual doctoral student submissions and incorporates them into the institutional grant application that is submitted electronically through the G5/G6 system. GEPA acts as the Program Director for UC San Diego.

Students must submit a ticket by emailing ddra-pd@ucsd.edu to inform GEPA of your intent to apply for the current year’s Fulbright Hays DDRA Fellowship program.

Application instructions can be found here – please review the entire document closely as it includes budget guidance, allowable costs, the list of documents required for submission and other important details.

Note: pay special attention to the information in the “Guidelines for Student Applicants" section about the required Human Subjects Narrative. If your research involves human subjects - whether UCSD IRB approval is current, pending, or exempt - you will need to provide a separate narrative to the Program Director in a text-editable format (e.g. Google Doc, Word, etc.). This document will be incorporated into the institutional grant proposal compiled by the Program Director (you will not attach the document to your individual application in G5/G6). The narrative you provide will either be an “Exempt Research Narrative” or a “Nonexempt Research Narrative” – please thoroughly review the definitions and required points the narrative must address here: Instructions to ED Supplement to SF 424 (PDF).

For all of the required materials, all attachments and submitted forms must follow Fulbright-Hays DDRA formatting guidelines and page limits. If the application exceeds the page limit, the submission will be rejected. Please note that the applicant is responsible for working with their department to ensure that all of their application materials, including budget/proposed costs, are in compliance with Fulbright Hays DDRA Fellowship program application guidelines.

Take a look ahead at what you can expect if you are selected as to receive a DDRA Fellowship! These documents are the actual orientation, handbook and other guidance provided to Fellows in the current cycle in progress (that is, the year prior to the current submissions cycle).

Please use them to familiarize yourself with requirements and logistics as you plan your proposed research itinerary and budget.

If the Google Drive folder widget does not display on your device, please click here instead.



For questions or assistance, please visit support.ucsd.edu/students and submit a help ticket. Select the following options / include "Fulbright-Hays DDRA" in the subject line as follows:


Click here to view a list of FAQs published by the Department of Education.

See the Orientation Handbook for DDRA Fellows section (located above, click the > to expand) to see documents provided to 2022 Fellows.

Enrolling In Absentia status will reduce tuition costs while maintaining health insurance coverage (as part of campus-based fees). 

Please work with your academic home department to identify an appropriate funding source to cover the costs of tuition & fees, per the financial support letter you received at the time of admission. You will need to provide documentation from your department for how fees will be covered for the duration of your fellowship at the time of application.

See the below UC SHIP FAQ for including health insurance in your proposed budget.

Yes - UC SHIP (sometimes referred to as GSHIP) insurance does meet the DDRA requirement for health insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains.

When preparing your proposed budget, use the current rate for Mandatory Health Insurance (see Registration Fees > Graduate student fees, with the following adjustments:

  • escalate the current rate by 3% for each academic year 

  • pro-rate the cost for any quarter to reflect only your time in the field




Important Information

The Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the applicant's submission.

We will do our best to review the format of the proposal; however, the final responsibility for format, content, and completeness always rests with the applicant.

Please proofread the application fully and connect with both the Graduate Financial Support Unit and your departmental fund manager for additional guidance prior to submission.


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