2023-02-15 Meeting notes
Feb 15, 2023
@Erin Kilburn
@Amini, Mojgan (Deactivated)
@Kevin Chou
@Corn, Michael (Deactivated)
@Demeulle, Brian (Deactivated)
@Sheryl Gerbracht (Deactivated)
@Valerie Polichar
@Brett Pollak
@Daniel Suchy
Discussion items
Item |
Lived Name workstreams and additional resourcing |
Discuss: should Chat GPT be a project, or when should Chat GPT be a project?
| |
Anticipated projects, but charters not yet received: |
Projects or planned work for FY23-24 flagged that surface through budget |
PMO / SMT Goals |
Confirm high priority projects and order | |
Scheduled reports | Open issue w/ BIA to enable scheduling |