Department-Supported Fee Waiver Guide
Department supported fee waivers is a newest type of waiver which can be applied to an application once all department-provided fee waivers have been exhausted. Please see the collab page for more details around this type of fee waiver along with the other fee waiver types available.
Contact admissions
The first step to having access to the department-supported fee waiver is by opting in. Please contact your assigned admissions evaluator/officer and provide the following information:
Department name
Project task funding source (i.e. :1234567-8-9101112) *Important: Fund type must be 13991. Please be in touch with your department’s fiscal team to confirm that your project task information is a 13991 fund.
Access the application on the Reader
To access the application you wish to submit a department-supported fee for, you will need to access the Applications workflow in the Reader. Under the Browse tab, you’ll find the AS - Awaiting Payment bin. This bin is where all submitted applications are kept, but have not yet paid the application fee and thus are eligible for a department-supported fee waiver.
Once you find the application you would like to provide a fee waiver for, highlight the line by clicking on the applicant’s name. After it’s highlighted in blue, click on “Add to Queue”
After you’ve done this, you will need to click on the paper icon on the right to open the application in the reader. Once opened, click on Review Form/Send to Bin on the bottom right to open the department-supported Fee waiver form. You will be asked to enter an electronic signature as an agreement. Once this is completed, you will leave the Next Bin as DR - Dept Review 1 (do not make any changes here) then click Send.