Spring Evaluations (Doctoral and MFA students only)
The Spring Evaluation is a requirement set by Graduate Council and overseen by GEPA. The evaluation serves as documentation of the student's progress in the graduate program. Evaluations are an important tool for students and their faculty advisors in assessing student progress and in providing suggestions for the students’ successful completion of the program. Graduate Council policy states: "This evaluation will indicate: the degree to which students are, over-all, progressing satisfactorily in their studies; their strengths and weaknesses as students and, where applicable, as teaching and/or research assistants. These evaluations should contain cogent and clear advice to students."
Spring evaluations are always due at the end of Spring quarter.
The Spring Evaluation tool is accessed by staff through GEPA’s Student Database or by faculty through the Faculty Spring Evaluation tool (graduate students access it through the Graduate Student Portal).
For additional information on Spring Evaluation policy and to link to the online evaluation tool, please see our webpage here.
See PDF below for an overview document of the process for routing the evaluations and some helpful hints.