Academic Probation and Disqualification

Academic Probation and Disqualification

Visit the following page for details on Academic Standing and Probation: https://grad.ucsd.edu/academics/policies-procedures/academic-standing-probation.html

Please view the following PDF with the full policy/procedure revisions, and you may review the FA22 GEPA Presentation for further guidance.

Academic Probation (based on department/program determination)

If a student is not meeting program expectations for satisfactory progress towards degree requirements and/or due to performance concerns (based on department/program determination), the graduate program should provide written notification to the student to place a student on academic probation. To place a student on probation, the Graduate Council requires that the program provide the following information in writing to the student:

1) the nature of the concerns and/or deficiency;
2) the steps to be taken to correct the deficiency and return to good academic standing;
3) a reasonable timeline (typically at least one quarter) to make the necessary improvements; and
4) an approximate date by which the student’s status will next be reviewed.

The written notification should be forwarded to the Graduate Dean (c/o Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs) to be attached to the student’s record. 

NOTE: If the program wishes to have a registration hold applied following the probation notification to the student, please contact the Academic Affairs Assistant Director and Academic Affairs Assistant Dean. The hold request must include a copy of the written notification to the student.  Please indicate in the notification to the student that you will be requesting that GEPA apply a registration hold for the subsequent quarter. 

Academic Probation (based on Senate rules as determined by GEPA review quarterly)

To be in good academic standing, in addition to the program/department expectations described above, a graduate student must also meet university (Senate) standards:

  • maintain a GPA of 3.0 or the equivalent in upper-division, graduate, and professional course work

  • must not have accumulated more than a total of eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades

For more information on the probation process, see Academic Standing & Probation

Request to lift a GEPA probation hold: 

Submit an exception letter to the GEPA Associate Dean, sent via email to Assistant Director, Academic Affairs, Norienne Saign. Letter must be signed by the dept/program chair and student’s faculty advisor, if applicable. 

Information to include in the exception letter:

  • Always include the student’s PID in addition to the name.

  • Explain any extenuating circumstances that contributed to the academic difficulty and how they were resolved or are being addressed

  • Specific academic plan for success, including specific course plan for the future quarter/s, expected grades, whether failed courses will be repeated and when [It is strongly recommended to run a GPA calculation to see the feasibility of achieving 3.0 cumulative GPA required in the time specified for proposed degree completion]

  • Include any planned support/resources being provided, such as planned check-ins with a faculty advisor or other campus resource units

  • “Consequences” if the student does not meet the agreed upon expectations/academic plan (i.e. dismissal from the program, etc.)

  • Confirmation that the student has been informed of and accepts the plan

Academic Disqualification

A graduate student may be disqualified from continuing in the graduate program for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Failure to maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average (3.0) required by the Academic Senate to remain in good standing (note that some programs may require a higher grade point average).

  • Failure to satisfy examination requirements, as defined by the graduate program

  • Lack of sufficient progress toward the completion of degree requirements, as defined by the graduate program

  • Not advancing to candidacy or completing the degree, within the established time limits

  • Exceeding the total registered time limit to complete the degree requirements, as defined by the graduate program

  • Poor performance in core courses, as defined by the graduate program

  • Failure to secure and maintain acceptance by an eligible faculty member who agrees to supervise the student’s research and to serve as chair of the dissertation committee, within the time period specified by the graduate program

  • Failure to adhere to expectations of professional conduct in the research environment. (Note: Disciplinary problems and other infractions that fall within the scope of the Office of Student Conduct should be referred through the Non-Academic Misconduct Report process).

Procedure for Academic Disqualification: If a graduate program assesses a student’s performance as unsatisfactory, the program should proceed to issue a notification letter to inform the student of their academic probation status (see above details). In most cases, a notification letter and probation status of at least one quarter is expected before the student can be recommended for dismissal from the program, except in cases of serious student conduct or academic integrity violations (See policies related to “Integrity of Scholarship” and “Student Conduct”).

If the student remains on probation beyond the allowed period and the student has not resolved the deficiencies to satisfy the degree requirements, the department chair or program director should inform the student in writing that they will be academically disqualified from the program and submit a withdrawal request to the Division of Graduate Education. The written notification should be forwarded to the Graduate Dean (c/o Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs) to be attached to the student’s record. The program should consult with the Division of Graduate Education regarding this process.

There are situations where a 1-quarter academic probationary period may not be required because consequences for failing to meet expected academic milestones are explicitly stated in writing and in advance to students.

Important Note: There is a separate process that must be followed to end a GSR or TA appointment based on performance issues. Please consult with Labor Relations as soon as possible to initiate the disciplinary process outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

Student Appeals, see details here: https://grad.ucsd.edu/student-life/health-wellbeing/conflict-resolution/index.html


If the program is concerned for the student following a dismissal, please complete a Triton Concern Form and the Student Affairs Case Management (SACM) team will conduct outreach to the student.

If the student has questions about UC Student Health Insurance (UC SHIP), please direct them to contact Student Health:


If the student has questions about their campus housing lease, please direct them to contact HDH Graduate Family Housing:


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