Exception Letters and Petitions
*Please note, this page is a work in progress and more scenarios/exception types will be added over time. If you do not see your student’s specific situation described here, start with the general tips below and let us know if you have any questions about the information/documentation that would be needed for your student’s situation. Thank you!
Letters of exception are needed when a department requests an exception to policy. Requests are reviewed by Interim Associate Dean Thad Kousser and/or Interim Dean Judy Kim.
A General Petition is needed along with a letter of exception for requests (see examples below) that also require review by Academic Senate's Educational Policy Committee (EPC). (General Petitions are submitted via DocuSign)
General Information to Include when Requesting an Exception
Always include the student’s PID in addition to the name.
Tell the student’s “story” with as much detail as possible (without prying for personal details that may make the student uncomfortable).
PhD students: Make sure they have a current Spring Evaluation on file.
Include as much supporting documentation as possible, such as email communications that took place and/or screenshots of applicable online systems (EASy, etc.).
For requests that involve a retroactive action/backdating an action, provide a detailed timeline of what happened (OK to use bullet points rather than paragraph form).
In addition to gathering information from the student, check the Term Audit feature of TritonLink to verify enrollment dates, when applicable. The Registrar can also assist with audit details (in particular for requests in EASy).
If justification includes medical/mental health issues, provide medical/CAPS documentation (in English) whenever possible.
Please note: the documentation does not need to include the diagnosis (in fact it should not include a diagnosis or private medical information) - simply that the student was under medical care and that the issue impeded the student’s ability to perform.
Consider/explain: What is the harm to the student if this request is not approved?
Exception letters from departments must always be signed by the dept chair at minimum (or chair designee) and by the student’s faculty advisor (when applicable).
Exception letters involving a specific course should include the signature of the course instructor or a separate letter of support from the course instructor.
PDF: Procedures for Requesting Exceptions to Senate Regulations (EPC review)
The above PDF comes from: Academic Senate website: Petitions
Please direct your students to the Student Academic FAQ page, which includes student facing information concerning petitions for exceptions.
Exception Letters (General Petitions are NOT needed in the below instances)
Please note this important update regarding requests made in EASy:
In cases where the student initiated a request in EASy before the deadline, but due to administrative delay, the EASy request was automatically closed after the term ended and was not routed to the Registrar's Office, a formal petition may not be required. Instead, the program should follow the steps outlined below to process the request without a petition to GEPA Academic Affairs/EPC.
The program should first verify that the request was initiated prior to the deadline and that it is "stuck" in EASy (if you need assistance viewing a closed EASy request, please submit a ticket to support.ucsd.edu).
The approvals that could be missing are: 1) department/program, 2) ISEO (J1 / F1 student), 3) GEPA Financial Support Unit. In all cases, the program should open a ticket with GEPA's Financial Support Unit (https://support.ucsd.edu/services). If program approval and/or ISEO approval are also missing, the program will need to provide confirmation of approval from both in the request to FSU. Please provide the following information in the ticket:
Confirmation that the EASy request was submitted before the deadline but closed before being approved
If applicable, confirmation that the department approves of the request
If applicable, proof of ISEO approval if the student is on an F-1/J-1 visa
If the request is only missing FSU approval, follow the same process above, excluding confirmation of program / ISEO approval.
If FSU approves, they will alert the Registrar to process the request.
Note: if the request was NOT initiated prior to the deadline, please see the process for retroactive requests below.
Petitions Regarding Enrollment Actions: Require a General Petition
Outlined below are the processes for requesting retroactive actions. An action is retroactive if the request is made after an established deadline (see summary below). Retroactive requests are first reviewed by the Associate Dean; if approval is recommended, GEPA forwards the request to EPC for their final decision. The GEPA advisor will contact you once EPC has made a decision.
How to request: General Petition in DocuSign (requires EPC review if Associate Dean recommends approval)
Course number
Section ID
# units
Instructor name
Include in the “reason” section of the GP:
How to submit exception letters: Attach to GP in DocuSign
In addition to the department’s letter, the course instructor may need to provide comments via a letter or email.
A summary of enrollment actions and deadlines is below. Please also refer to the Registrar's enrollment webpage.
Weeks 1-2: students may add, drop, change units or grade option via WebReg.
Weeks 3-10: students may add by using the Registrar’s EASy system (After week 10 this is a retroactive request: see Petition process below).
Weeks 3-9: students may drop by using the Registrar’s EASy system (After week 9 this is a retroactive request: see Petition process below).
Weeks 3-4: students may change the grade option by using the Registrar’s EASy system. (After week 6 this is a retroactive request: see Petition process below). Refer to the Registrar's webpage on changing grade option and units.
Weeks 3-10: students may change number of units for a course by using the Registrar’s EASy system. (After week 10 this is a retroactive request: see Petition process below)
Other Petitions Requiring Review by the GEPA Dean/Associate Dean and the Educational Policy Committee (EPC)
(require submission of a General Petition in DocuSign)
The requests below are first reviewed by Sr. Associate Dean Judy Kim; if she recommends approval GEPA forwards the request to EPC for their final decision. The GEPA advisor will contact you once EPC has made a decision.
How to request: General Petition in DocuSign (requires EPC review if Associate Dean recommends approval)
Include student name and PID
Include explanation of what the request is for in the “reason” section of the GP
How to submit exception letters: Attach to GP in DocuSign
See "General Information to Include" at the top of the page for what should be addressed in the letter.