Employment Exception Request Guidelines

Employment Exception Request Guidelines


Departments requesting employment exceptions should submit the appropriate form and any additional documentation through the Financial Support Exceptions Google Form.  

The expectation is that the department submit the request on behalf of the student- the student should not be submitting the request on their own behalf.

Acceptable Requests

  • A separate form should be submitted for each student

  • The exception request is initiated by the funding source requesting the exception

  • The request should indicate all current and proposed title codes and percentages the student will hold during the quarter

  • A change in title code, percentage of effort, class or course, or dates will require a new approval.

  • Over-50% Employment: The Dean will not approve a GSR position over 50%, although he/she may approve a 50% GSR in combination with another 25% title such as TA or Reader

Please do not hire, enter the additional assignment and/or funding until the employment exception is officially approved by the Dean of Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs


Employment Exception Request Form Instructions







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