Cognos 12.0.4 - Jan 10 to Jan 31, 2025

Cognos 12.0.4 - Jan 10 to Jan 31, 2025

The latest Cognos Analytics (12.0.4) upgrade has been released!  You can find information on what’s new in this upgrade here: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cognos-analytics/11.2.0?topic=whats-new

Cognos developer report testing at the beginning of the upgrade is critical to a timely and successful upgrade.

Cognos Enhancements Impacting UCSD

Improved user experience for Search and Select prompts. User will no longer be sent to the top of the page when clicking ‘search’ https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/defect/aCI3p000000PSk7/dt121404?language=en_US



High Level Plan

We will follow our standard upgrade procedures listed below. 

All upgrades for Cognos Analytics occur in place. High level, the strategy for all upgrades is:

  1. ITS-BIA will review the upgrade in our sandbox prior to planning an upgrade of DEV

  2. Perform upgrades of the DEV environment on the weekend before the 3rd week of a month as this is generally the quietest period of the month for most teams.

  3. Allow two weeks for review of the upgrade in the DEV environment.

    1. At the end of the week a GO/ROLLBACK determination will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to QA over the weekend following the DEV upgrade. (Upgrade is NOT applied to PROD.)

    3. ROLLBACK – the upgrade is rolled back from DEV

    4. During the two week period where DEV has been upgraded and QA / PROD have not, all teams will be in a “code freeze” in that no migrations from DEV can occur.

  4. Allow one week for review of the upgrade in the QA environment.

    1. At the end of the week a GO/ROLLBACK determination will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to PROD over the weekend following the QA upgrade.

    3. ROLLBACK – the upgrade is rolled back from DEV and QA.

    4. During the one week period where DEV and QA have been upgraded and PROD has not, all teams will be in a “code freeze” in that no migrations to PROD can occur. Migrations from DEV to QA may be conducted.

  5. Upgrade the PROD environment.

    1. Based on GO determination from both Cognos QA and Cognos DEV environments based directly on your feedback.

Upgrade Process

Given that strategy, the plan for the upgrade from 11.2.4 (current) to 12.0.4 is as follows:

Calendar layout at bottom of email.

  1. Cognos Sandbox = Now thru 5:00 PM, Friday, January 10:  ITS-BIA will review the upgrade in our sandbox prior to planning an upgrade of DEV.  The 12.0.4 upgrade has already been installed on our sandbox.

  2. Cognos DEV = 5:00 PM on Friday, January 10

    1. A backup of the DEV content store will be conducted.  This will be insurance against any unforeseen issue during the upgrade process.

    2. The admin team will perform the upgrade of the DEV environment.

    3. Cognos DEV will be unavailable while this work occurs.

  3. Cogno DEV = Post DEV upgrade Friday, January 10 thru 5:00 PM Friday, January 24:

    1. All development teams to review content in Cognos DEV for two weeks and test for issues related to the upgrade.

    2. Any issues are to be reported by sending an email to busintel@ucsd.edu

    3. If an issue is deemed critical, a rollback of DEV to the current version will be scheduled as soon as possible.

    4. NO MIGRATIONS OUT OF DEV can occur as the content from the upgraded environment will not work in environments on an earlier version.

  4. Cognos DEV = Friday, January 24

    1. GO/ROLLBACK determination for QA upgrade will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to QA only over the weekend following the DEV upgrade. 

      1. This will be the determination if no new issue(s) are found in the upgraded version or if any new issue noted is deemed insignificant enough to move forward.

    3. ROLLBACK – the upgrade is rolled back from DEV

      1. This will be the determination only if new issues are found in the upgraded version and those issues are deemed significant.

  5. Cognos QA = 5:00 PM on Friday, January 24 (based on GO determination in previous step):

    1. A backup of the QA content store will be conducted.  This will be insurance against any unforeseen issue during the upgrade process.

    2. The admin team will perform the upgrade of the QA environment.

    3. Cognos QA will not be available while this work occurs.

  6. Cognos QA = Post QA upgrade Friday, January 24 thru 5:00 PM Friday, January 31:

    1. All development teams to review content in Cognos QA and work with end users to test for issues related to the upgrade.

    2. Any issues are to be reported by sending an email to busintel@ucsd.edu

    3. If an issue is deemed critical, a rollback of QA and DEV to the current version will be scheduled as soon as possible.

    4. NO MIGRATIONS TO PROD can occur as the content from the upgraded environment will not work in environments on an earlier version.  Content may be migrated from DEV to QA.

  7. Cognos QA = Friday, January 31

    1. GO/ROLLBACK determination for PROD upgrade will be made.

    2. GO – the upgrade is applied to PROD over the weekend following the QA upgrade. 

      1. This will be the determination if no new issue(s) are found in the upgraded version or if any new issue noted is deemed insignificant enough to move forward.

    3. ROLLBACK – the upgrade is rolled back from DEV and QA. 

      1. This will be the determination only if new issues are found in the upgraded version and those issues are deemed significant.

  8. Cognos Prod = 6:00 PM on Friday, January 31 (based on GO determination in previous step):

    1. A backup of the PROD content store will be conducted.  This will be insurance against any unforeseen issue during the upgrade process.

    2. The admin team will perform the upgrade of the PROD environment.

    3. Cognos Prod will not be available while this work occurs.

Please take note of the 3 week period from Friday, January 10 through Friday, January 31 where content may not be migrated to PROD.  Please be sure all required content is migrated from DEV to PROD prior to the DEV upgrade at 5:00 PM on Friday, January 10.  Please be sure all required content is migrated from QA to PROD prior to the QA upgrade at 5:00 PM on Friday, January 24.









Now thru

Jan 6

SANDBOX Testing Begins

Cognos Samples Only



Cognos Samples Only



Cognos Samples Only



Cognos Samples Only

January 10

5:00 PM DEV Upgrade


Last DEV Migration 3:30PM


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen


DEV Testing Last Day


DEV to QA/PROD Migrations Frozen

January 24

5:00PM QA Upgrade


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing


All Migrations Frozen


QA Testing Last Day


All Migrations Frozen


January 31

6:00PM Prod Upgrade


9:00PM Migration requests completed

February 1




Migrations Unfrozen









Ask Yourself


Ask Yourself

Person menu in the upper right

Can you see your Profile and settings?

Hamburger menu in the upper left

Can you find the ‘Content’ area?

Can you open a ‘New’ report?

Can you upload data?

Content area

Can you see your ‘My content’?

Can you change from Tiles to List view?

Can you open a report from within ‘Get started’?

Report Development area

Can you connect a new report to the “GO data warehouse (query) found in the folder Team content / Samples / Models? Note: there are objects within this package so once you pick the package, just click Open.


Can you toggle into and out of edit mode?

Can you add a filter?

Can you run a report?

Can you run a report in a different format?

Can you save the report to your My Content

Report specific

Does anything in my report break?

Can I run the report and get the same results as Cognos Prod (picking the Hana-Prod)?

Does my drill-through work?

Do my graphics / images work?

Does my HTML / PDF / Excel export work?

Does my report run time increase / decrease?

Non-supported items - BIA cannot help fix these

HTML code

Java Script



Help us Investigate

Please email busintel@ucsd.edu when you encounter something unexpected.  If you can provide the additional information seen below in your initial email that will help use investigate:

  • What browsers have you tried?

  • What version of browsers are you on?

  • What happened when you cleared your cache and restarted your browser?

  • Are you on a Mac or PC?

  • What time did it occur? How frequently?

  • What exactly were you doing?

  • Please provide a full-page screenshot

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