New Graduate Program Coordinators

New Graduate Program Coordinators

GEPA Onboarding

Graduate Studies provides initial onboarding training, resources, and system access to all new Graduate Program Coordinators. The Graduate Coordinator role encompasses many duties and responsibilities, so it is essential new staff receive the support and guidance they need to begin their new positions. Please contact xxx to begin the onboarding process and/or notify of staff changes.

Draft: each department operates differently, etc.

Note from Courtney: inspiration for this page was taken from the Resource page at UC Davis! New Graduate Program Coordinators Onboarding

Online Training

New graduate program coordinators will be asked to complete the following online trainings.

  1. FERPA: Student Privacy, Confidentiality, and Data Security

  2. HIPAA: Privacy and Security Training

  3. Financial Aid Data Sharing Laws and Regulations

Get Connected

Program Overview

Program pages provide a good overview of the requirements and structure of a graduate program. The program page includes degrees offered and the list of faculty and staff contacts. New coordinators should review this information. 

Division of Graduate Education & Postdoctoral Affairs Training

Presentations & Training

Financial Support: Presentations & Training

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