Katzin Prize

Katzin Prize

2025-26 Call for Nominations

The Katzin Prize launched in 2013 through a generous gift of $4 million from Jerome and Miriam Katzin to establish an endowment fund that will support graduate students in perpetuity, with the aim of attracting top academic doctoral students to UC San Diego. Each Katzin Prize cohort will be a select group of scholars, demonstrating outstanding talent and promise within their academic disciplines. Over time, the Katzin Prize will be awarded to students who represent the full spectrum of graduate study at UC San Diego, from the fine arts to the physical sciences. More information on current and past Katzin Prize recipients can be found on this website.

In 2025-26 each prize will provide $15,000 of annual funding to the recipient, allocated for each year of study, and renewable for up to five years (support totaling $75,000).  Fellows will be paid a $1,500 monthly stipend for 10 months (September-June), and Fellows can expect to receive the first payment on or around October 1st each year.

The prize funding must be over and above the financial support package offered to the applicant by his or her home department because it is intended as a mark of distinction. All financial support packages should meet or exceed the minimum level as outlined here: https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/x/5gQ6Aw

Recipients are expected to provide written updates upon request on the use and impact of funds from the prize, and may be asked to attend Katzin Prize events during the life of the award. They are also encouraged to recognize the Prize in external communications by, for example, listing it on their CV.

  • Incoming Ph.D. students in any discipline who will commence doctoral study (enrollment and course registration) at UC San Diego in Fall of 2025 are eligible for nomination.  

  • Nominations may come from the following academic areas:

    • Arts & Humanities, Biological Sciences, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health & Human Longevity Science, Jacobs School of Engineering, Physical Sciences, Rady School of Management, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences. 

  • Masters candidates are not eligible. 

  • MSTP students are only eligible for support during their years enrolled in a Ph.D. program and a compelling case needs to be made as to how the Katzin Prize would retain them at UC San Diego to complete the Ph.D. portion of their studies.

  • International students are eligible.

  • Students must be enrolled full-time and registered for courses at UC San Diego at the time of award.

Each eligible graduate program may nominate one (1) qualified doctoral applicant via the Slate system. If the nominee ultimately decides to not enroll at UC San Diego, the department may not nominate another applicant.

The following items are required for a complete nomination package in Slate:

  1. Nomination of the applicant for the Katzin Prize, submitted via Slate

    1. For more instructions on how to nominate your applicant in Slate, see Graduate Admission's Slate User Guide for Nominating Applicants in the Fellowship Workflow.  Note: When nominating applicants for the Katzin Prize in Slate, use the Fellowship - Department Nomination Form and Letter material type:

  2. Faculty Nomination Letter

  3. Financial Support Letter

    • Include details about the multi-year support package offered by the department

    • The financial commitment offered to the applicant should adhere to the provisions outlined on the Graduate Funding Reform & Policy Collab page

There are two deadlines for each admission cycle (i.e., per academic year). Programs will be notified of selected recipients, and will be expected to proactively encourage the selected recipients to commit to attending UC San Diego in a timely fashion. Nominees not selected in (or submitted by the deadline for) the first round will be considered again in the second round. Awards will continue to be made until a cohort of at least three incoming students is identified.

  • The first deadline is February 14, 2025.

  • The second deadline is March 14, 2025.

To learn more about current and past Katzin Prize Fellows, please visit: https://grad.ucsd.edu/financial/fellowships/katzin-prize/index.html

25-26 Fellowships Were Offered To …

Did the Fellow Accepted Admission to UCSD?

Nominating Department

25-26 Fellowships Were Offered To …

Did the Fellow Accepted Admission to UCSD?

Nominating Department

Jiayi Zhang

Decision Pending

Political Science

Amelyn Ya Chen Phang

Decision Pending

Materials Science

Xiao Ma


Chemical Engineering

Q: Is there a specific time deadline on the date nominations are due? (e.g. midnight or end of business day time (5 p.m.)?)

 A: The deadline at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the listed due date. The committee will not be able to review late or incomplete submissions. Late submissions entered after the first deadline will be reviewed in the second round; late submissions after the second deadline will not be accepted.

Q: Our department has multiple majors. How many nominations do we get?

A: One.

Q: Is it OK for the department to send in two nominations, and then have the committee only consider the more competitive one of the two for the award?

A: No. Each department is allowed one nomination. Do not submit additional nominations.

Q: Our faculty is discussing the various funding package options and we won't likely have a resolution for several weeks. Are we able to nominate a student if we do not have an offer letter to submit?

A: An offer letter is required for a complete nomination. If the department has not yet finalized support packages for all admits by the first deadlines, the department’s options are to:

  • Finalize the offer letter for the Katzin nominee separately (ahead of finalizing for other admits - if the nominee is truly exceptional, creating an exceptional offer letter is consistent with the department’s desire to recruit the prospective student)

  • Wait to submit the nomination for the second deadline

Q: Can the department nominate a student that has been nominated for admission by the department, but not yet finalized/approved by GEPA Admissions?

A: Yes. If the department has nominated the applicant for admission in SLATE, the Katzin nomination can be submitted before GEPA Admissions completes their review and admits the student. All required documents/letters must be included for a complete nomination.

The committee will not be able to review late or incomplete submissions. Late submissions entered after the first deadline will be reviewed in the second round; late submissions after the second deadline will not be accepted.

Note: The Graduate Fellowship & Award Review Committee determines the selectees, but the Fellowship will not be formally awarded until the GEPA Admissions completes their review and admits the applicant.

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