Reviewing Applications
We have two versions of the Review Form in Slate: the long form and the short form. You can see an example of those forms at Reader Review Forms: Long vs. Short.
Here is how you can review and nominate applications directly from your queue using the Review forms:
1. In your Queue, click on the application you are ready to review.
2. Once the application is open, click on Review Form/Send to Bin in the bottom right hand corner. You can also press the R key on your keyboard.
3. Fill out the Review Form with your evaluation.
4. Once you have completed the form and are ready to submit your review, click Send at the bottom of the form. Clicking Send submits the review and the application will be removed from your queue. If you are able to see Draft Saved option, the review will be saved and you can go back later to complete the review, but only if the applications remains in both your queue and the same bin.