ITS Charter draft: https://collab.ucsd.edu/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=163971260&draftShareId=90838743-3419-4485-baa3-f0c53c686fe0&src=shareui&src.shareui.timestamp=1644279109700
The current Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) currently exists to support the functions of the existing ISIS. With the implementation of the future ISIS delayed, there is an urgent need to update the existing FSRT. The tool is cumbersome, lacks front-end validation, lacks batch load functionality, and often requires that participants export data sets into Excel.
In Scope: Financial Support Request Tool functions
Out of Scope: Detail Code and AIDID creation. Oracle, ISIS, and other related systems.
Recent Updates and progress:
Grad FSU has been meeting to collect current state requirements as well as pain points (intended for ideal state). Requirements, design, and testing may take one year before launch.
Project Leads
Name | Unit | Role |
Antonio Nava | OSI | Process Analyst |
Stewart McMacken | ITS | Requirements Analyst |
Tiffany Swiderski | Grad FSU | Owner |
Subject Matter Experts
Name | Unit | Title |