Detail Code and AIDID automation

Detail Code and AIDID automation


The current process for requesting a new Detail Code and AIDID is cumbersome and can cause delays.  

The Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) talks to ProSam via AID ID. Then ProSam needs a detail code to talk to the Student Information System (ISIS). This detail code determines which kinds of credits are paid to the student account and in what priority order. 

The implementation of OFC has broken the workflow for processing undergraduate student stipend payments. Since there was no remediation of ISIS to talk to OFC, there is no way to validate the account to which the stipend will be charged. Therefore, Grad FSU must run the ISIS detail code through an index mapping tool to verify Chart of Accounts/Project Task Fund. These additional steps have caused substantial delays resulting in undue stress on students.

Currently the process involves coordinators filling out a Google form, then manual validation and creation of Detail Codes.

In Scope:  Detail Code and AIDID creation, and subsequent validation

Out of Scope:  ISIS functionalities, ProSAM configuration

Recent Updates and progress:

Detail code automation web form launched Marc 2022.  AIDID automation steps to be automated next.

Project Leads

Stewart McMackenITSProject Manager
Tiffany SwiderskiGrad FSUOwner

Current State Documentation


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