


The current process for identifying fellowship opportunities for graduate students, and the subsequent process of validation and disbursement of those fellowship funds is currently unclear for many stakeholders.  

In Scope:  Identification of fellowship opportunities, student support, and administrative processes supporting implementation and compliance

Out of Scope:  Other fund sources, system configuration

Recent Updates and progress:

Initial (soft) launch was held to identify which SME's are available to participate.  In upcoming meetings we will define the importance of Fellowships and map current state processes.  Next steps will involve identifying opportunities for process improvement with a focus on ensuring accuracy, compliance, and student service.

Project Leads

Antonio NavaOSIProcess Analyst
Tiffany SwiderskiGrad FSUSponsor

Subject Matter Experts


Current State Documentation

Whiteboard activity (brainstorm) https://lucid.app/lucidspark/500403db-2708-4d26-8773-0f7af5e3f0e7/edit?viewport_loc=-504%2C83%2C1423%2C702%2C0_0&invitationId=inv_da85582d-b0f6-47e9-9ef7-cf0401dc83ce

Fellowships main page: https://blink.ucsd.edu/sponsor/ocga/guide/sponsored-research/fellowships.html

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