FAQs: New Slate Workflow

FAQs: New Slate Workflow

Beginning FA24, the GEPA Admissions team implemented a new workflow in Slate that will take the place of the one used in previous years. The new link to the new Slate Reader can be found here: https://connect.grad.ucsd.edu/manage/reader/?r=%2Fmanage%2Freader&b=c6ca65e2-5120-47b6-882f-a9c4130fb287

*It is very important that you send your faculty/those reviewing applications the updated link to the new workflow.

The Admissions team also hosted a Graduate Coordinator training which discussed the new workflow and what to expect. Check out the slide decks and recording of the training here.


  1. Why am I no longer seeing the two workflows on the main Reader dashboard?

    1. With the old workflow becoming inactive, you will now only see the new workflow on your main Slate Reader page:


  2. Why do I get a “forbidden” message when I try to build a query from within the reader?

    1. With the new Slate workflow, building a query directly from the reader is not something that is permitted, which is why you are getting that forbidden message. You'll need to build a query in the 'query' function of Slate- please visit our guide posted to Collab which have step by step instructions on how to do so.


  1. Why are all my bins showing 0 applications?

    1. Make sure you are viewing the bins with the ‘Default view’:


  2. Why are my new queries not pulling correct numbers from the bins?

    1. Make sure when building your new queries, you are using the ‘Workflow bin’ filter instead of the ‘Bin’ filter. This will assure you are pulling data from the new workflow.


  3. Can I filter from within the new workflow?

    1. Yes! Filtering while in the Reader is used to narrow down what applications you are currently viewing. Please visit our Collab guide which has step by step instructions on how to do so.


  1. I tried to use Batch Management to assign/move applications but they didn’t move.

    1. Click on the “Workflow” drop-down and select the “Applications” workflow. (We are working with Slate to see if we can have this default in the future.)


  1. Why do I get an error message/no results when I try to clear the filters in the Reader? (“Error: One or more fields contains incorrectly-formatted data: Unrecognized Guid format.”)

    1. If you select a View and then want to navigate back off of that View, you have to click the “Default” view. Clicking the empty space in the drop-down will give you an error message.


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