202408 FINAH Release Notes

Hello FINAH Developers - The below enhancements are included in the this month's FINAH Release.

Keep up with our future enhancements here: FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress.

Learn more about the Financial Activity Hub in the FINAH Quick Start Guides.

Table of Contents


    • Friday, August 8, end of day: release enhancements to User Acceptance Testing

    • Thursday, August 15, end of day: release enhancement to Production

    • Friday, August 16, end of day: delete QA models

Thank You Report Developers!

Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests. 

  • Maruthi Alamuri
  • Heather Sears

New Views


In conjunction with the BFS BI team, BIA is excited to release the FINAH-ProjectCostAdjustment-View.  This new view is focused on adjustments and includes details on where a cost is transferred from and to.  This view will also include items that in in 'pending'.

This view will have the standard month long UAT for new views and be released to Production in September 2024.

Epic:   FINAHE-1750 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SNOW tickets addressed:  CS2065021

Unique fields in this views:

Adjustment Created By Email Address
Adjustment Created By Employee ID
Adjustment Created By ID And Name
Adjustment Created By Identity AD Username
Adjustment Created By Name Full
Adjustment Created Date
Adjustment Created DateTime
Adjustment Date
Adjustment DateTime
Adjustment Justification
Adjustment Last Updated By Email Address
Adjustment Last Updated By Employee ID
Adjustment Last Updated By ID And Name
Adjustment Last Updated By Identity AD Username
Adjustment Last Updated By Name Full
Adjustment Last Updated Date
Adjustment Last Updated DateTime
Adjustment Rejection Reason
Adjustment Rejection Reason Code
Adjustment Status
Adjustment Status Code
Adjustment Type
Adjustment Type Code
Expenditure Invoice Most Recent Payment Method Code
PO Requisition ID
PO Requisition Number
Project Manager Home Department Code
Project Manager Home Department Code And Name
Project Nickname
Transferred Amount
Transferred To Project
Transferred To Project Actual End Date
Transferred To Project Actual End DateTime
Transferred To Project Actual Start Date
Transferred To Project Actual Start DateTime
Transferred To Project Bill To Customer
Transferred To Project Bill To Customer Code
Transferred To Project Bill To Customer Code And Name
Transferred To Project Budgetary Control Count
Transferred To Project Budgetary Control Flag
Transferred To Project Burden Schedule
Transferred To Project Burden Schedule Multiplier
Transferred To Project Business Unit
Transferred To Project Business Unit Code
Transferred To Project Business Unit Code And Name
Transferred To Project Capitalization Enabled Count
Transferred To Project Capitalization Enabled Flag
Transferred To Project Class Category
Transferred To Project Class Code
Transferred To Project Closed Date
Transferred To Project Closed DateTime
Transferred To Project Code
Transferred To Project Code And Name
Transferred To Project Consumed Amount
Transferred To Project Contract
Transferred To Project Contract Code
Transferred To Project Contract Code And Name
Transferred To Project Contract ID Count
Transferred To Project Created Date
Transferred To Project End Date
Transferred To Project End DateTime
Transferred To Project GL Transaction Signed Amount
Transferred To Project ID
Transferred To Project Invoiced Amount
Transferred To Project Is Sponsored Count
Transferred To Project Is Sponsored Flag
Transferred To Project Last Updated DateTime
Transferred To Project Nickname
Transferred To Project Note Created By Email Address
Transferred To Project Note Created By Employee ID
Transferred To Project Note Created By ID And Name
Transferred To Project Note Created By Identity AD Username
Transferred To Project Note Created By Name Full
Transferred To Project Note Created By Username
Transferred To Project Note Created DateTime
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By Email Address
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By Employee ID
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By ID And Name
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By Identity AD Username
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By Name Full
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated By Username
Transferred To Project Note Last Updated DateTime
Transferred To Project Note Text
Transferred To Project Organization
Transferred To Project Organization Code
Transferred To Project Organization Code And Name
Transferred To Project Original Project Template
Transferred To Project Original Project Template Code
Transferred To Project Original Project Template Code And Name
Transferred To Project Recharge License Number
Transferred To Project Revenue Amount
Transferred To Project Start Date
Transferred To Project Start DateTime
Transferred To Project Status
Transferred To Project Type
Transferred To Project-Task Code
Transferred To Task
Transferred To Task Bill To Customer
Transferred To Task Bill To Customer Code
Transferred To Task Bill To Customer Code And Name
Transferred To Task Billable Count
Transferred To Task Billable Flag
Transferred To Task Burden Schedule
Transferred To Task Burden Schedule Multiplier
Transferred To Task Capitalizable Count
Transferred To Task Capitalizable Flag
Transferred To Task Chargeable Count
Transferred To Task Chargeable Flag
Transferred To Task Code
Transferred To Task Code And Name
Transferred To Task Consumed Amount
Transferred To Task Created Date
Transferred To Task End Date
Transferred To Task End DateTime
Transferred To Task ID
Transferred To Task Invoiced Amount
Transferred To Task Organization
Transferred To Task Organization Code
Transferred To Task Organization Code And Name
Transferred To Task Planning End Date
Transferred To Task Planning End DateTime
Transferred To Task Planning Start Date
Transferred To Task Planning Start DateTime
Transferred To Task Revenue Amount
Transferred To Task Source Application
Transferred To Task Source Reference
Transferred To Task Start Date
Transferred To Task Start DateTime

Your Requested Enhancements

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report and you have not take the appropriate remediation steps.


Epic:   FINAHE-1780 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SNOW tickets addressed: CS2100607

Fields added to the views:

Account Code
Account Code and Name
Account Code in PPM Count
Account Code in PPM Flag
Account Effective End Date
Account Effective Start Date
Account Is Current Count
Account Is Current Flag
Account L1
Account L1 Code
Account L1 Code and Name
Account L2
Account L2 Code
Account L2 Code and Name
Account L3
Account L3 Code
Account L3 Code and Name
Account L4
Account L4 Code
Account L4 Code and Name
Account L5
Account L5 Code
Account L5 Code and Name
Account L6
Account L6 Code
Account L6 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L1
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L1 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L1 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L2
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L2 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L2 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L3
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L3 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L3 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L4
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L4 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L4 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L5
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L5 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L5 Code and Name
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L6
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L6 Code
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L6 Code and Name

UAT - Customer Service Reminder

Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly.  For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT.  If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.

Follow our Enhancement User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Steps

Use this UAT time to adjust your reports as needed prior to the Production release where your customers will be able to see any issues these enhancements cause. 
  • Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Student Activity Hub > Student Activity Hub Packages UAT to build your report and select Hana QA.  Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail.  Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data. 
  • Tableau: Sign into Tableau on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report.  Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Production data.
  • Hana QA:  SAH data in Hana QA is production data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.

If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:

  • What browser are you using?
  • What environment are you using?  Cognos DEV, QA or PROD?  Or Tableau?
  • What data source / package are you using?
  • What results were you expecting? 

Reminder: QA data sources will be deleted the Friday after the enhancements are migrated to Production.