FACAH-SpaceAllocationDetail-View Quick Start Guide
This page assumes you have read https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/427721150
This view includes detail information about allocations of spaces to department and clusters plus assignments of spaces to occupants and responsible persons (from clusters).
*warning - this is an advanced view, do not start here if you are new to space data,
*warning - there are multiple levels of detail in this view, double check your totals
Critical Concepts
Focus on the Department Allocation
This view has 1 row per space, per person (assignment), per occupant type, per responsible department (allocation), per cluster (allocation)
Space Details
All details coming from FACAH-Space-View are tied to a space and will display the same value in each row for that space, regardless of occupant type, responsible department or cluster
Empty Spaces
Spaces that are not assigned an Space Allocation Occupant Type = Occupant will still be assigned a Space Allocation Occupant Type = Responsible Person
Steps to Take
Key Fields
Space or Space ID
Space Allocation Occupant Type
Space Cluster Allocations
Space Department Allocations
Key Filters
Same filters as FACAH-Space-View
If you still have questions or need assistance, please email busintel@ucsd.edu