2023 Tableau CoP Meetings

2023 Tableau CoP Meetings

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Upgrade in February
  1. Tableau admin team applies the new version on Tableau sandbox for BIA (only) to test
  2. BIA tests the new version in the sandbox for a few week
  3. Tableau admin team to copy Tableau Prod to the sandbox, including security, so report developers can test their reports
  4. Report developer have 2 weeks to test their reports in the sandbox
  5. Hearing no issues, Tableau admin team will upgrade Tableau Prod & Tableau Public
  6. Tableau admin team shuts off the sandbox
Blending datatroubleshooting blending data options for key performance


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Upgrade in February
  1. Tableau admin team applies the new version on Tableau sandbox for BIA (only) to test
  2. BIA tests the new version in the sandbox for a few week
  3. Tableau admin team to copy Tableau Prod to the sandbox, including security, so report developers can test their reports
  4. Report developer have 2 weeks to test their reports in the sandbox
  5. Hearing no issues, Tableau admin team will upgrade Tableau Prod & Tableau Public
  6. Tableau admin team shuts off the sandbox
Offset Year

2021 = -2

2022 = -1

2023 = 0 = current year

2024 = 1

2025 = 2

LOD Example

When you LOD totals are too big, check which order Tableau is applying filters vs. your LOD

Tableau Training


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Joins in Tableau

By default, Tableau creates a Left Inner join where the first database added to the sheet is the Left database.

Example 1:  Tableau will display all values from the first data source added to the worksheet and only the rows that the second data source has in common with the first.

Example 2:  If you reverse the order the results with change but the logic used will be the same.  Tableau will display all values from the first data source added to the worksheet and only the rows that the second data source has in common with the first.

Example 3: If data source two has more than one row matching a row in data source one Tableau will display a * instead of picking a value.  Tableau will display a null value where there is no match.

Best Practices: Visualizations

Colors: https://brand.ucsd.edu/using-the-brand/web-and-digitial/index.html

Colors: https://brand.ucsd.edu/visual-brand/color/index.html

UCSD Example: https://ir.ucsd.edu/third-week/index.html

Additional Resources: Developer Training Resources

Big Book of Line Charts: Tableau Training

Best Practices: Data Source or Workbook

Data Source:  A Tableau data source includes a connection to data (excel, csv, database), may contain folders for fields but DOES NOT contain visualizations.

Workbook: A Tableau workbook contains data visualizations, regardless of type of data connection.  The Tableau workbook then points to the data source that has been published to Tableau server.

Best Practice: Tableau workbooks should ONLY connect to Tableau data sources that have been separately published to the Tableau Server.

Best Practices: Folders

Team folders should be organized by audience and report development state.  Folders are secured by one or more Active Directory groups.  End users should access the workbooks via links to the workbook as navigating the Tableau portal is cumbersome. 

Any Tableau development that you do not want to share should be saved to your local machine and not published to the Tableau server. 


  • Tableau PROD 

    • BFS–DEV (reports are in the development state, audience is only BFS team) 

    • BFS-Audience (reports are in testing or completed, audience is BFS team and Audience team)

      • Report A

      • Report B

      • BFS-Audience-QA (Subfolder with reports that are in testing, BFS and Audience team can access) 

        • Report A version 2 (report being tested)

Best Practice: Sharing with Customers

For ease of use and quick navigation, BIA recommends hosting reports on departmental Blink pages or a custom website.  Here are some examples of existing report pages:  Business Analytics Hub and Research Administration Reports. or /wiki/spaces/PAH/pages/81559578

Best practice for adding or removing users from AD groups is to create an approval form that once approved, automatically creates a ticket for your local ITS support team to make the change.  BIA recommends requiring approvals from both the customer's manager and the business sponsor of the reports.  Here is an example of an existing report request form: UCPath Cognos Reports Access Request.

Should a Tableau workbook be saved as twb or twbx?twbx file is a Tableau Packaged Workbook, meaning it is the original . twb file grouped together with the datasource(s) in one package. .twbx files can be considered analogous to specialized zip files, in which these “zip” files contain all the information necessary to work in Tableau.
How do I calculate % of total per person & project name?

Looks like you'll need 2 LOD equations.

1 = total of time per person

2 = total of timer per person per project

regular calculation = #1 / #2

LOD help: https://www.tableau.com/blog/LOD-expressions

LOD help: https://www.tableau.com/learn/whitepapers/understanding-lod-expressions

Is there a Community of Practice for data sources?

No, but I could schedule a meeting for a few folks that I know are building data sources.

BIA uses their own AH Naming Standards


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Tableau on Mac

Sometimes the Tableau desktop filter can make the gap between a letter and a number to look like a space. 

Double check by looking at the field values in the display or in Cognos.

Data Connection Policies

Yes you can: Adding New Data for Blending in Cognos or Tableau

Use supported data connector tools.

Future of Tableau

Salesforce still intending to increase price by 3x or more in 2025

ITS will support Tableau as long as the business units are willing to pay for the licenses and server going forward

Tableau Training

Check out our training page: Tableau Training > BIA Recommended Links.

Why do tool tips get cut off?

If the customer is zoom in too far the tool tip will be cut off.

Tableau has a feature to adjust to the width or height of a screen, but that applies to the worksheet or dashboard as a whole, not just the tooltip.

You can try making the tool tip wider, but you may run into the same issue.


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Security Folder Process
  1. Tableau developer requests a new folder via email to busintel@ucsd.edu
  2. SNOW ticket is created
  3. SNOW ticket is assigned to a person
  4. BIA checks to see if the folder is in Tableau. Checks to see if folder name fits naming convention.
  5. BIA check to see if the AD group is in Tableau.  Add AD group to Tableau is there is one.
    1. If there is no AD group in the ticket, BIA will ask about what AD groups should be attached.
    2. No one will see the new folder is there are no AD groups attached.
  6. BIA creates the folder.
  7. BIA adds the AD group.
    1. AD group w/ Publisher access: can publish to this folder, can interact (use the filters) can download summary data, can download PDF, can download HTML, can download the workbook, can delete workbooks
    2. AD group w/ Consumer access - standard: can interact (use the filters), can download summary data, can download PDF, can download HTML, cannot do anything else
    3. AD group w/ Consumer access - w/out downloads: standard: can interact (use the filters), cannot do anything else
  8. Request report developer to confirm.  Ticket will auto-close in 5 business days without any updates.
Looking up ITS AD Groups

Instructions: How to View Active Directory Group Membership

Allows look-up only into ITS AD Groups and membership


BIA highly recommends creating a form where people can request access to your reports via the form so that you can add an approval route (manager or manager + dept head) b/c if approved, SNOW can automatically add people to an AD group.

Example: https://support.ucsd.edu/path?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=1354cbfadbf01890dbd6f2b6af9619f7

Request a new SNOW form here: https://support.ucsd.edu/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=cc2369e5db2d720006037a131f96190f

Public Options
  • Tableau UCSD Public = workbooks w/ extracts only, can be seen by people outside UCSD, only a publishing AD group is needed
  • Tableau UCSD > Folder named Public = security is set so that anyone at UCSD can see these workbooks, BIA publishes to this folder or we can give you temporary publishing rights, requires AD login w/ DUO
  • Tableau UCSD > Team - Public = security is set so that anyone at UCSD can see these workbooks, only a publishing AD group is needed, requires AD login w/ DUO


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Public folder = Folder in Tableau Prod that you can have temporary publishing access to. Once you publish your workbook there, anyone at UCSD can run the report.  They will still need to log in with their AD account but will not need to request AD group membership for the Public folder.

Team Folder - Public = Folder in Tableau Prod that your team (via Team AD group) has publishing access to. Once you publish your workbook there, anyone at UCSD can run the report.  They will still need to log in with their AD account but will not need to request AD group membership for the Public folder.

UCSD Tableau Public = Separate Tableau server, extract only, available to everyone in the world

Direct connection between Tableau and local server

Interim Solution - Adding Data to Cognos or Tableau


Viewing Tableau Permissions

Locked at folder level

Can be seen per workbooks but not at folder

Allows you to see what AD groups have access to the folder and what usernames are in the AD group

AD Group membership

How to View Active Directory Group Membership

Not sure how Health is tracking their AD groups and membership

What version Tableau desktop do you need to publish?2021.4.x
Making RAH data UCSD public


BAH > Research > Ask a Question or ocgareports@ucsd.edu


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Tableau Training

Great training on the www.tableau.com site

UCSD Tableau Training

Parameters Presentation

By Cheryl Kettnich - See the recording


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Tableau Patching

Tableau Upgrade to 2021.4.15 - Complete

Working with Parameters

Next Time - Wednesday, May 17

Cheryl Kettnich

BIA Upgrades

Cognos Upgrade - In progress

IGC Upgrade - In progress

Tableau Upgrade - Looking into which version to go to next

Tableau Training

Great training on the www.tableau.com site

UCSD Tableau Training


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Heads UpTableau upgrade coming May or shortly after.  See the standard upgrade plan here: Tableau Upgrades
Tableau PrepUCSD does not support Tableau prep.
Tableau FutureNet pricing change will occur in 2025 to a per person cost, will triple the cost of Tableau in some areas.
Tableau UCSD PublicAllows everyone on earth to see your workbooks.
Tableau Public GalleryRun by Tableau/Salesforce and anything you upload to that site becomes 100% the property of Tableau/Salesforce.
UCSD Research Project

There is another Tableau server available, not administered by BIA.  We recommend you reach out CTRI.

  • CTRI Tableau connects to medical data and is HIPPA compliant, contact ctri-support@ucsd.edu for details.
Tableau for Students/FacultyTableau has free licenses for students and faculty BUT tableau.ucsd.edu is not available for classroom work.  The Activity Hubs are also not available for classroom work or research projects.
Tableau data connectorsUse at your own risk, ITS is developing a data connector code review process in collaboration with ITS Security.

2023-02 - None

2023-01 - None

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