Adding New Data for Blending in Cognos or Tableau

Local data can be added to Cognos and Tableau using one of the following options.

Long Term Solution

  • What:

    • Data Source is added to the applicable Activity Hub(s)

  • Pros:

    • Data is blended with key attributes of other Activity Hubs

    • Top performance in report speed

    • DAGC  governance and support

    • Allow for data to be used by data integrations

    • Field names follow AH naming standards

    • Underlying structures follow BIA development standards

    • ITS-BIA support for data issues

  • Cons:

  • How:

Extension Student Data is a separate Activity Hub not included in the above roadmap. The interim solutions and short term solutions can still be used but adding new data sources to the Extension Activity Hub should be requested via a SNOW ticket to ITS-SIS-AcademicAffairs.

Interim Solution

Short Term Solution

  • What:

    • Upload data via Excel or CSV to Cognos server directly or Tableau server directly

  • Pros:

    • Good for ad-hoc or one-time data usage

    • Can be used immediately

    • Can blend with Activity Hub views (may reduce speed of report)

    • Good solution for historical data or data that rarely changes

  • Cons:

    • Must be manually uploaded by report developer

    • Does note allow for data to be used by data integrations

  • How: