2022-01-27 SAH Production Release Notes

2022-01-27 SAH Production Release Notes

Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are available for you in Hana Production now. 

Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress. 

For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) as a Report Developer you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office.  Please reach out to them directly.

To provide SAH Report Consumer access to your customers, email busintel@ucsd.edu to provide the AD Group and Folder that will need SAH access.

P4 - High Security Level Fields

UpdateUpon further testing, BIA has determined that the Tableau column based security implementation does not meet our security standards. Therefore, BIA will not be releasing the P4 fields via Tableau until a new security implementation can be determined. This will not break your production reports as no production fields will be affected.

The Cognos column based security implementation both meets our security standards and meets our customer needs, therefore P4 fields will be released in Cognos DEV, Cognos QA and Cognos Production starting Jan 27, 2022.

Each Activity Hub Field has a security level associated with it.  Security levels are defined by the University Of California Office of the President (UCOP) and assigned Data Stewards.  For more information visit the Policies section under System Information Security on the UCOP webpage, ucop.edu. Security Levels can be found under Protection Level Classification.  A full list of P4 fields can be found below in the SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View.

To access P4 fields as a report developer or report consumer you must be a member of a P4 Active Directory Group for that Activity Hub and/or data source.  As P4 fields are added to Activity Hubs new Service Now request forms will be created to request access.  This access is separate from access to run reports, view reports or build reports.

Report developers are responsible for the content they add to their reports and the audience they share the report with.  Active Directory (AD) Groups are used at multiple levels: (1) at the SAH data source / package level, (2) at the report folder and (3) at the P4 field.  The table below show the expectations of what reports developers and report consumers should expect to see. 

Report Consumer in a P4 AD GroupWill see the P4 fields and values in the reports they can run.Will see no P4 fields.
Report Consumer outside a P4 AD Group

Will see an error message.

Will see no P4 fields.
Report Developer in a P4 AD GroupWill see the P4 fields and values.Will see no P4 fields.
Report Developer outside a P4 AD GroupWill not see any P4 fields.Will see no P4 fields.

More information can be found in the Analytics Community of Practice collab.

Renaming and Deprecating

As we've adapted the SAH views to your needs, we have found changing field names is painful for both report developers and our team due to the name change breaking reports, data integrations and packages / data sources.  In an effort to avoid this pain, we are going to introduce a new name change strategy. 

  1. ITS-BIA will release new fields with the revised field name in the views that contain the field to be renamed, or where a view is to be renamed ITS-BIA will release as a new view the view with the revised name.

  2. ITS-BIA will allow a transition period for report developers to repoint their reports at the new fields / views.

  3. ITS-BIA will remove the data from the old fields / views and allow a second transition period.  This will not break the report but will highlight where the fields / views are still in use as they will become blank.

  4. ITS-BIA will deprecate the fields / views.  Any reports the have not transitioned by this point will break.

We'll be using this strategy on the following items that require name changes.  In this release we set the below fields to null:

  • Permanent Address Country Code

  • Permanent Address Country Name

  • Permanent Address State

  • Permanent Address Zip

We'll be using this strategy on the following items that require name changes.  In this release we removed the following fields:

  • Pell Awarded Date

  • Pell This Term Count

  • Pell This Term Flag

  • Pell This Term or Past Term Count

  • Pell This Term or Past Term Flag

Your Requested Enhancements!

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

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