2023-11-29 Meeting notes: SPF

Emoji :calendar_spiral: Date

Nov 29, 2023

Emoji :busts_in_silhouette: Participants

Emoji :goal: Goals

Previous Agenda Notes (11/15):

  • Review List for OGL Development

  • Discuss Progress

  • Agree on Timeline

For your reference:

Meeting Notes (11/29):

Emoji :speaking_head: Discussion topics





Topics Discussed on Tue 11/14/2023

Oracle Guided Learning Roles and Responsibilities


  • Q) Do we have the right people in the right roles

  • Q) Does anyone need additional training?

  • Q) What is on your list and how are you prioritizing your Guides?

  • KBAs Flagged for OGL & Base Guides Selected

  • Applying Roles to Guides

    • Q) What do you plan to develop and by when?

  • Q) What is your ideal timeline?

    • Launch date/plan (develop schedule..) courses/guides/sessions with subject matter experts)

    • setting stage for phases of implementation

  • Q) What types of activities would be the most helpful for users?

    • detailed schedule of activities (agenda, outcome, lay it all out)


  • Introduce/meet the team and stakeholders.

  • ask questions and implement feedback


  • Q) Who are your stakeholders? How do we identify them?

  • What are the most important immediate outcomes you see for this rollout?

    • If your team could accomplish just one thing by the first week of January, what would that be?

  • Q) What are the major obstacles or impediments to the success of this implementation?

    • What concerns you most about the tasks ahead?

    • If you were to identify the major problem to be faced by your team, what would it be?

    • Q) How can we best communicate resolution to your pain points?

Emoji :white_check_mark: Action items

Send any names to Ana to add/edit roles (2 questions above)
Create a list for OGL development
Prioritize the list

Emoji :arrow_heading_up: Decisions