DCP Information for Graduate Students

DCP Information for Graduate Students

Template language to send to your graduate students regarding DCP can be found here.

Dear Graduate Students,

During the academic year, graduate student employees who are registered in at least 6 units by the 3rd week of each quarter and employed less than 80% are exempt from student FICA deductions. However, during the summer months (July and August), student employees (U.S. citizens, permanent residents and resident aliens) who are not registered in the minimum units required during Summer Session are subject to these deductions. Students who receive fellowship stipend payments and international graduate students (F‐1 and J‐1 visas), who are nonresident aliens, are not subject to student FICA deductions.


Students may obtain information and access to their DCP accounts via Fidelity on the web at http://www.netbenefits.fidelity.com or by calling 1‐866‐682‐7787.   


Below is a link to a webpage that answers most questions regarding student FICA:
Student FICA, Defined Contribution Plan (DCP), and Medicare

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